Traffic trouble in my area.

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)


Hello great people,
I'm super excited to participate in this week 27 of the edition 02 which comes up with another component of life's facet. I sincerely appreciate the entire management and everyone involved in this engagement.

The subject of this week focuses on traffic trouble jam. I think if there's anyone that suffers at the hands of traffic so much I should be the one. I have been through virtually all the phases of traffic jam. I will share with you what stood out for me and what the moment meant for me.

Traffic jam entails when moving vehicle is interrupted which makes them to move slowly.
There was this faithful day I was traveling to the federal capital territory Abuja. It may interest you to know that the distance from where I was to the state capital wasn't long and even the time supposed to take at most 30minutesbut I was perplexed at the time we got to the town.

My challenge is that you may not know the cause of the traffic jam but the vehicle weren't just moving. It took us more than two hours to access the road to the town. As we were going, a car from no where came and brush our vehicle and suddenly the side mirror was broken. I thought the driver would wait to say sorry but instead he was claiming Mr Right with all manner of insult. I kept wondering what kind of life is this? We had to hold our peace in order to sustain a good atmosphere.

Traffic jam in my area can be so annoying. I said what if you have an emergency of a woman pregnant hmmm she would have delivered in the vehicle before reaching the hospital because of traffic. Traffic jam is not good at all. It causes lots of delay, it can cause an accident and most times bash car.
The temperature around my area is hot therefore just imagine the kind of heat somebody would experience in the car if you don't have air condition. I opened the window it wasn't just enough. I almost got suffocated but thank God IAM alive.

thanks for visiting my blog and all the comments

 2 years ago  

We have all had awful traffic experiences.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for visiting my blog

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You'll not know the cause of traffic and you'll just be waiting like everyone else. That is something we all have to suffer.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for visiting my blog