I once stopped a fight between two parties (middleman)

in Hive Learners2 years ago



Disputes are things that often happen among teenagers, youth, even adults, things like that often happen, mostly starting from misunderstandings that result in both parties arguing, issuing dirty words and even physical fights (fighting), then what will you do when you see it in person, are you among the people who let them fight or otherwise you will intervene.

Have I ever seen people fight?

Quarrels or fights are very common in my environment in recent years, group fights to one-on-one fights often occur in public places, so things like that no longer surprise me, because I have witnessed it dozens of times in various ways. problems that lead to disputes that end in chaos.

Have I ever stopped a fight?

Frequent fights or disputes between two parties sometimes make me unable to see them, even several times I try to break them up, even though I am aware of the risks I will face afterwards but sometimes my heart can't stand to see people fighting in public places, considering my country is a country of laws, so there's no point in fighting, things like that would just be a waste of energy.

How do I do it?

At that time I was in a coffee shop with my friends, at first the atmosphere of the coffee shop seemed safe, next to us there was a group discussing a problem, at first they had a good discussion until finally one of them issued a statement. voice with a high tone so that there was a fight between them, saw them fighting then spontaneously I got up and shouted, "woi, stop that bastard" then they looked at me, and I walked up to them, then I said, "aren't you guys know what place this is? if you guys want to fight I will provide a place for you, and I will also invite people to watch, do you dare?", then they left the place without answering my question, and the coffee shop became safe again for other visitors.

Sometimes seeing a commotion that disturbs the comfort of others makes me feel unable to stay still, but even so I am not always careless in acting, I will first see who and what potential will happen after that (even though my guess is not entirely correct), sometimes we also have to be realistic, don't act carelessly because it will have a bad impact on us too.

Such was my experience when breaking up a fight that occurred, hopefully things like that (fights) will never happen again, let's create peace and solve every problem peacefully and with the laws that apply in our respective countries.


Thank you for reading!

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 2 years ago  

Sometimes people fight for no reason at all and stepping up to challenge them took
a great deal.

 2 years ago  

yes that's correct

 2 years ago  

Some people loves to fight over something they could easily settle amicably but the best part is having someone to settle such fight and make peace reign.

 2 years ago  

yes that's right, together we take care of each other and remind each other.

 2 years ago  

Wow... This is beautiful dear friend
I really like how you used wisdom to clear up the problem at the coffee shop
Nice entry🙏🙌🙌

 2 years ago  

but in my heart I fear they will attack me in a crowd. ha ha😅

 2 years ago  

Lolss...😄😄.that's another factor to consider when it comes to mediating actually because the results can come out negative and can bounce on you heavily...

 2 years ago  

haha that's what you have to watch out for😅😁

 2 years ago  

Oh you're so brave to do it @fery and it's good that they didn't include you in their fight. Because sometimes someone who stop them will be included in trouble.

 2 years ago  

yeah, that's so true

That is very good of you. When there is a disturbance, we should try our best to diffuse the situation, because there is always the possibility that things can get out of hand if left unchecked.

You made the right choice.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

yes like that, hopefully incidents like that will never happen again.

Thank you very much sir for dropping by at my post.😊

 2 years ago  

You gave a very good answer to this group. And that's why they went away quietly because I think they realized their mistake.

Great job💕

 2 years ago  

yes that's right, maybe they woke up by my screams, hehe😁