“ONE WISH” want to be a leader | Week 01 - Edition 02

in Hive Learners2 years ago


hello all friends in the #HiveLearners community..
In accordance with the topic that we have chosen together, this time I will also try to follow the Weekly Featured Content week 01 : Edition : 02

One wish

If you had one wish to make, and that wish would come true, what would it be? Tell us what it is and why you made such a request. We want to know.

Of course everyone must have one wish or one wish that they really want to achieve, or any other language Aspirations, I call it that. Likewise with me, I have one desire or goal that has not been achieved until now, what is it? My wish or request is simple, different from other people in general who mostly aspire to be a civil servant or the like, there is nothing wrong with all of that, it is natural because life guarantees will be fulfilled and borne by the state, that's good.

My request or hope is to become a leader, it may seem so excessive, hehe.. but the leader I mean is, I want to have a business, any business doesn't matter, where there I will be a leader who will lead 5 or 10 people who I will run the business that I have conceptualized so far, where every day I together with them will do anything that is needed by consumers, so that you don't get confused, call it "VENDOR". Maybe at that time I didn't know what it was called, what I had in mind was that I wanted to be a leader who had subordinates and we would do everything together under my direction.


It all started with a deep sense of disappointment that I felt, I was often rejected or not accepted when I applied for a job, I was often ostracized and looked down upon by others, so I decided that if one day I had sufficient capital. I will open a place of business, where there I will provide or offer services to people who need it, of course I will invite people who need work to do it all, that way those who don't have jobs will at least feel helped.



Of course with good intentions and coupled with a mature concept I'm sure this will go smoothly, but still I can't do it all right now, no problem, I will continue to be patient, maybe in a year or two it won't matter, thanks to the prayers of parents, friends, and other closest people all of this will be achieved by itself, for the time being let me walk slowly like this, of course I am not standing still, I am still trying and will continue to try, like what I'm doing it now on the HIVE platform, I set all my writings to HIVE POWER, with the hope that someday it will be additional capital when I will start my big plan.


that's my wish or request so far, I call it a simple request, because my goal is not for wealth, but sufficiency for simple life needs and being able to help people who need work, that's what success means to me.

I also hope for prayers from all of my friends, hopefully what I have planned will be carried out as soon as possible, hopefully there will be no obstacles during this planning process, amen.


 2 years ago  

Wow, that's awesome, I wish your wish is granted. Keep up the positive mind.

 2 years ago  

yes I will keep thinking positive, thank you very much😊👍

 2 years ago  

you have such big hopes, hopefully we can make all our dreams come true right

 2 years ago  


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 2 years ago  

Nice and thoughtful wish. Becoming a leader comes with lots of responsibilities but yours won't be as tedious as becoming the president of a state. Hehehehe

I hope your wishes come true

 2 years ago  

Ameen.. 😊
Thank you very much my friend🙏

 2 years ago  

You're welcome

 2 years ago  

You channeled your mind into something very beautiful
I love to see this

 2 years ago  

thank you so much brother, you are also amazing.😊🙏

Having a good mind of leadership is good and it is a good thing that the new generation could see to what is good and ways of making corrections

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

I agree you become a leader, because your cause is very good and useful for people.

 2 years ago  

Thank you very much😊

 2 years ago  

Wonderfully said, dear friend.

This was indeed a thought from a great mind.
I very much love this.

 2 years ago  

Hehe thank you very much

Yay! 🤗
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 2 years ago  

You have a clear goal, and that wish is very likely to come true. I wish you the best @fery 😉