With a situation like this, I think Indonesia is in big threat

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hello everyone...
on this occasion I will discuss about the current state of my country, before that how are you today? I hope your situation is not as bad as the situation in my country at this time, INDONESIA.


In short, in 1945 Indonesia succeeded in declaring its independence from colonial countries, the Netherlands was the longest colonizing country in Indonesia (3 centuries) after achieving independence, of course, it became a new chapter for the Indonesian people, life will be better and will get better welfare. evenly distributed, but all of that is just wishful thinking, independence is only a label for the Indonesian people, because real independence has never been evenly distributed until now, as if independence only belongs to certain groups in this country, and things like that continue to this day.


The current situation in my country is not much different from the colonial period of European countries in the past, what makes the difference is that now the Indonesian people are being colonized by the Indonesians themselves, why do I say that? Just look at what is happening now, the voices of people's aspirations will not be heard in the ears of the authorities, please let us demonstrate and take to the streets, please let us scream for justice, and please let us bleed on the streets, do the current Indonesian rulers care? ? NO!, they stick to their stance, they will do anything for the interests of their respective groups, so it is not surprising that in every region now has made a movement to secede and demand independence, and it is not impossible that Indonesia will split into dozens of new countries.


In 2022, the government has increased the price of fuel oil (BBM) even though this step has been opposed by hundreds of Indonesians, but the government does not care about it, even on September 1, 2022, the government will again increase the price of fuel oil (BBM). for the second time this year, and the government's plan has been announced by the president, of course it will be a threat to the people and nation of Indonesia, how not, the price of goods will soar up and increasingly difficult to reach by the middle to lower class, of course it there will be a lot of noise and there will be another massive demonstration like the one a few months ago.

Now I will talk about the problem of Export and Import which is considered inefficient, the government often makes mistakes in taking steps in the trade sector, maybe for them it is a profitable step, but if we look at the facts on the ground it is the small people who become victims. especially the farmers, I will give one example, Indonesia is one of the largest rice-producing countries in the world, the public question today is why the government imports rice from abroad, and why the price of rice is very expensive in Indonesia, while harvests from farmers in bandrol at very cheap prices, it's like a game played by elite groups in this country, the government often imports goods from abroad even though these goods can be produced in their own country, but on the other hand the government is very difficult to export goods from within the country for various reasons.


In my opinion, the steps taken by the Indonesian government at this time will only make Indonesia a weak country, since achieving independence Indonesia has not succeeded in becoming a developed country, it is not impossible if things like this continue then Indonesia will become a bankrupt country! and what will happen after that? I can't imagine it, hopefully there will be a revolutionary movement to change this situation.

Such is the situation in Indonesia at this time, Indonesia's future is getting bleak, Thank you for reading.


I agree to the point that all governments are in big trouble gaining their people's heard, however, I doubt another coup or revolution would change the situation better. Maybe we just need more love.
The rich should give more love, but why they don't give? Maybe the poor doesn't respect their hard work?
Hope we understand each other more and the accept the difference

 2 years ago  

I don't know for sure, what it looks like now is that the government is openly playing and ignoring the voices of the people.

I hope there is still love in the hearts of the government.😊

Almost all countries are just increasing price of their fuel. Don't they know the impact it has all around the economy? But then, its not like they care is it?

Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

I dunno, things get really complicated here!