The Unchecked Growth Of Population.

in Hive Learners24 days ago

There is a popular saying in Nigeria that Omo lere aiye, which means children are the reward of of socie and I believe these sayings have messed up a lot of people's mentalities in the country.

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The effect of overpopulation in the world today is something we are all struggling with, and there is a huge need for controlled birth by the government, even though it's completely impossible in some parts of the world, especially in third-world countries. I don't know if being ignorant about the consequences of overpopulation is enough to justify why many people choose to have lots of kids, and one thing I am quite sure about is that nobody will be exempted when overpopulation eventually tears the world apart.

The more the world population increases, the more we expand territories, and our needs increase drastically. Many of us today complain about the unavailability of jobs, the voluminous increase in the waste generated globally, the high consumption of natural resources, the pressure on nature for more resources, deforestation, and many others, not knowing that we have contributed greatly to issues on the ground.

I have wondered why people still bear numerous kids just like their forefathers did. They were ignorant, uneducated, and needed more children because of farm work. The world is completely opposite of what it used to be back then, and I expect changes, but they are nowhere to be found.

I once asked a pharmacist who had four children why he wanted more when he mentioned that his wife couldn't stop bearing child now and that he needed a male child. Unfortunately for him, his fifth child happened to be a girl, and I wondered what he did next since we lost contact.

Tackling overpopulation through birth control would be challenging for many reasons, especially in African countries, due to some cultural beliefs that people still hold dear.

Many families wanted 2-3 children but ended up with a dozen just because they wanted a particular gender, and the continuous search for it is at the detriment of the world population as a whole. Like I mentioned earlier, the government can only try but can't force people, especially in this part of the world, and the only effective way to call people to order is by educating them about the consequences of overpopulation.

It's happening already, and we don't need to dig too far for these consequences. Climate change is one of the biggest effects, and it's not helping matters. If anyone thinks they are not affected, only time will tell. A high rate of poverty, food insecurity, crime, and many others are emerging as a result of overpopulation across the world, and if things continue like this, only God knows what the next few decades will look like.

As for me, having two kids is enough, and at worst, three in cases where a twin shows up after the first child. A lot of things are unstable globally, and it would be unwise to bring numerous kids without proper preparedness. Even with proper preparedness, having excess makes no sense to me.

If we look around the world, these rich folks don't go about giving birth to children like rabbits despite having what it takes to care for them, but it's the other way around for the less priviledged. At my former residence, there was a tenant who had four kids, and they lived in a single room.

There was a night this couple started fighting in the middle of the night because of sex, and their noise woke the tenants. I was shocked because sex shouldn't be a priority because I bet the woman wasn't on any form of birth control.

People should be made to understand that bringing children into the world isn't just about providing food and shelter; the big effect of having excess children on the world as a whole can be very disastrous. We now live in a smart world, and everything should be smart, including childbearing.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Overpopulation is here because of these bizarre needs and many more. It's crazy how the need for a particular gender has you giving birth to kids you can't take care of or the obscene desire for sexual pleasure without protection. It's even sad that many teenage births seem to be recorded in an age where education is a norm and worst its amongst those termed educated.

 21 days ago  

The educated people are part of this silly child bearing habit and that's why I insisted that every one must be carried along because if overpopulation will be got ridden off, we all have a part to play.

Four kids in one room?!🤔
My God... I can't even begin to imagine how noisy that place would be. Many people are really going through a lot, but this is because of their own choices
Choices like these. Because how can you, knowing fully well what your wallet is like, not know when it's time to stop having kids???😕🥴

 23 days ago  

Bro, a lot of things is happening in the trenches ooo. I wonder what they were thinking to have four kids in such a small place.

I would blame their lack of education but that's not enough because there are numerous educated people who have more than the normal child number.

 24 days ago  

I believe the reason why most Nigerians find it difficult to understand the importance of birth control is as a result of illiteracy because why would anyone wish to give birth to many children they are not capable of catering for and moreover we have some people who end up giving birth many children as a result of family pressure.

 23 days ago  

Bro, illiteracy can't be blamed for this alone because there are educated people who have more than five kids.

If the government must embark on educating people then both the educated and uneducated should be involved in the process.

 24 days ago  

The part about wanting a particular gender really stood out to me - I mean, what's wrong with having all girls or all boys? And the story about the pharmacist is just wow... I hope he's doing okay after that fifth child. On a more serious note, you're right; education is key. We need to make people understand that it's not just about providing for their kids but also about the impact they have on the world.

 23 days ago  

Nigerians are fond of that thing and it's really annoying why a particular gender will be marked irrelevant in this age and time.

Everyone should be contented with their children gender because that alone can solve this overpopulation problem.

 24 days ago  

There is a popular saying in Nigeria that Omo lere aiye, which means children are the reward of of socie and I believe these sayings have messed up a lot of people's mentalities in the country.

Many people have taken this belief to mean something else without proper education and reasoning. Gone are the days our forefathers had lots of children so they can be able to help on the farm and in the kitchen, but today, things have changed. Overpopulation is endangering the world, yet, people won't stop giving birth, thinking the more children, the more reward.

The rich ones are wise with giving birth but the ones who lacks education are giving birth like rabbits and do not have enough resources to cater for them.

 23 days ago  

The saying has really messed up with people head especially the poor because they don't see any problem with having numerous kids. Their belief is that the children will liberate them from poverty but they are wrong.

A child not trained will bring the opposite of liberation.

 24 days ago  

Having two kids is just fine for me as well.
We still act primitive that is why we are looking for a particular gender. Some of us are actually educated illiterates.

 23 days ago  

Lolz, it's sad to see people still bearing lot of children despite all these civilization thing we brag about.