in Hive Learners2 years ago



I must say I am really much in love with all the topics we are being given to write about. Getting the opportunity to put all these thoughts and ideas into writing. I am very much a fan. All thanks to the entire admins of the @hive-learners community along with the entire admins of the @newbies-hive program for this wonderful opportunity granted to the newbies.

The purpose for my making this post is simply to share my thoughts on the given topic ONE WISH.

So as a growing human, there are numerous classes of things we all fantasize about while growing up or even at the adult and later stage of life. This makes us human with wants and desires.

This topic got me thinking for over some time, If I had one wish what will it be. Not just a wish which will come through. Lots of things have been running through my mind, things like wishing for a good and comfortable life, yes everybody wants this, wishes like having everything you ever wanted and dreamt of, wishes like traveling out to different countries of your choice, wishes like being the present or Governor of a country or state. With much thinking it cross my mind, okay if this wish is to come through why not wish for one thing that matters the most to me at this stage of my life. What had really mattered the most to me?

Hence I will therefore wish for My **DAD** to be brought back to living.


As much as it pains me to talk about it there is nothing much that can be done. For there has always been that hallowed space left in me since my dad left this world. It has been one hell of a ride but I still struggle to be strong for myself and not to let the already started work be in vain.

Since the demise of my dad, there has really been a vacuum that has remained forever empty not to be filled by anyone. If I had/have the power to make my wish come through I wouldn't give it a second thought, but to go straight to the graveyard where he was buried and made this wish.

` You all might be wondering the reason why I had decided to choose to bring my dad back to life as my wish.

It is quite very unfortunate for most persons, that they all seem to be left alone to face the ills of this earth by themselves after their support, their backbone has been cut off.

My dad had been strongly the reason I have gotten this far through his effort, help, and God's Grace, love, compassion who allowed it to happen.

It gets very hard for most persons to move past the level there were after the demise of the only person who supports them in all aspects of life.

This is simply my case, my dad had been my very much strong source of support here on earth both financially, spiritually, and otherwise, He had been the teacher I never had, the one person who understands every bit of me, my moves, he knows what I will do next and what I will not do.

So why will I not wish for such a person to be brought back to me? But in all, I give thanks to God for not forsaking me since this happened.

I am one part of the bargain, what I do feel most is the loneliness and emptiness my mom does feel, for they had always been together, all activities being done with each other alongside, seeing my mom being in this state simply gets me all worried up. This is another major reason I would love to make this wish and for my wish to come through.

In a nutshell, if wishes were horses, this would have been my most wanting wish, every other thing aside. The support my dad gives to the family is enough to make us the children yet to come up stand through God's permission.



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 2 years ago  

Hmm it's well, I understand how you feel losing love one dear to us and our up keep.

The lord is your strength

 2 years ago  

We all understand the pain when there is no support system.

Grace to press on bro

 2 years ago  

Support is one paramount thing.
Thanks, man.

 2 years ago  

It is never easy loosing a love one, the pain you have to face each day because the memory will still be fresh to you, even years to come, you will still remember like as if it was yesterday.

I pray God gives you the strength to push on.

 2 years ago  

This is really one hard thing to do, moving on.
Thank dear.

 2 years ago  

You're welcome

Your father raised a strong man. Losing a loved one is never easy, it confronts us with a future we never considered or prepared for. But we have no choice but to forge ahead and make them proud.
And I am sure he is in a better place now, may his soul rest in peace.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

A wish card that i am always tempted to use always
You really miss them

 2 years ago  

Hey @gi-de-on !
I do understand what it means to lose a person like your father.

The pain of remembering the loss.

the thoughts that things would not be the way they are if he was here.

The deep seated yearning to have asked some questions you never got the opportunity to ask.

I am sure your dad would look down at you with a huge smile beaming from his face and with all the pride he can muster would utter these words...

That's my son... I am proud to be his father

 2 years ago  

Well said dear friend, your words are really consoling.
We will definitely be fine with time.
Every thing will fall to place.

 2 years ago  

The scriptures say that death is the worst enemy and it is. It is very painful to lose a loved one and even more so a father, a mother or a child. People do not recover from it but learn to survive with that absence. That is why there is a great promise that says that enemy will be swallowed up and cease to exist 🌺.

(Isaiah 25:8,1 Corinthians 15:26, Revelation 21:4, Acts 24:15)