in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)


Let me start by wishing you all a happy new week ahead, may this new week for us be more blessed than the previous.

So For the start of this wonderful week, I am happy to see that it is been graced with a very wonderful topic. This is really an interesting one to say for it gives us the opportunity to know each other more and also gets to talk of our dream places we will love to visit.

Let me not bore you with plenty of talks I will therefore go directly into the main area of focus which is:

A Getaway
Tell us about an exotic location you would very much love to visit. It does not have to be in your country, and it does not matter that you have not been there before. Just tell us a little about it and why you would love to go there one day.

There are many beautiful places and countries all around the world I will very much love to visit but instead of drifting so far from my reach, for now, I will like to start my talk about the one very popular place here in my country Nigeria.

This is a place for Recreation, vacation, fun, a getaway from work stress, and all sort to mention. The name of this place is called OBUDU MOUNTAIN RESORT/OBUDU CATTLE RANCH


As the name implies, this very wonderful recreation center is located in OBANLIKU LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, CROSS RIVER STATE, NIGERIA. It is well known for as a kid growing up we have been told lots and lots of wonderful stories about its beauty and this stories has been on my head since growing up. I have always wanted to visit there and I sure will through God's Help.

So the Obudu Cattle Ranch is simply one of the finest recreations in Africa. The recreation center is simply located in a region called Sankwala mountain which is found in Obanliku Local government Area, of Cross River State. This resort is spread over 40 square miles and has it is 5200 feet above sea level to be 1,716 meters above the ground.

this is how the road looks like from base to the top hill

This is simply one of the best tourist centers in my country, which has been open to visitors over the years, it is indeed a very nice place to be.


Over the years, there have been a lot of stories been told some are frightening, and some very much enticing.

  • One of the very reasons I will love to visit there is to satisfy my curiosity, going to see things for myself and get to confirm how good it is with my eyes.

  • Also the place is well noted for lots of recreational activities been conducted there which are very much fun to partake in this is, therefore, best explained below.

Based on the Height of this mountain resort, there is the presence of a cable car which carries people from the base of the hill to the top of the Ranch, people inside are therefore given a very clear view of the whole environment, I will therefore like to witness such.


Cablecars which carries people from bottom hill to the top of the resort.

Also, outdoor games are conducted there; These games are in the categories of, Swimming, go horse riding, hiking, etc. I will very much like to witness all these things with my own eyes and see how there are. For swimming there are very large sizes of swimming pools there this is very much fun.

Also, there use to a mountain race organized there it is known as the the Obudu mountain Race: I have read about this in books and heard about it through stories told, I will love to be part of it to have a clear view of how it is being conducted and done.

Being in this place is indeed a blessing. A friend of mine told me about a canopy walkway there which is very interesting and scary at the same time, I very much love such adventures.


Also, this is one very true and interesting fact about the place, things there are always very chill. I have even heard of a spring that is always very cold no matter the weather condition and the cow milk served there are one in a million and all these things I very much fancy them so wouldn't love such a place.

All the above mentioned are things I will very much love to try, There are numerous reasons I love this place and there above are just a few of them. The climate in this place is very much different from another part of the country (Nigeria), isn't that wonderful, I will very much like to visit such a place to get myself acquainted with living under such weather conditions.

This place is really a lovely place to visit and I will very much love to do so. Through God's help, I will try my best to visit there soon since I live near there now.

Thanks for Reading
Do have a Blessed week ahead

 2 years ago  

What a lovely and interesting post!

Did you know HL has a strict policy related to copyrights of images? And it was clearly mentioned to everyone again and again.


Just for your better understanding, I am using only 1 image as an example, you took an image from https://guardian.ng/


They even called it a criminal offense. This is the reason we advise our members to use copyright-free images and source them properly.

tagging @mahirabdullah

 2 years ago (edited) 

I really didnt have a chioce I am sorry.

for these particular pictures, I couldn't get them from the copy-right free sites, that was why I had to use them and properly source them to show where I had them from.

I have really gone through all the free plagiarism sites, but the images for this particular recreation center isn't there, that was why I had to go for these pictures.

TAG: @mahirabdullah & @dlmmqb

If you are unable to find appropriate photos, make a thumbnail yourself using Canva

 2 years ago  

I will do just that right away.

 2 years ago  

Please @mahirabdullah I have been able to make corrections as instructed please review..
Thanks for your time to correct me on this it will not repeat it self again.

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 2 years ago  

This is another place I would love to visit I have heard much about Obudu And hoping one day I will visit, it really looks beautiful 💯✅ thanks for sharing bro

 2 years ago  

It is quite a lovely place, dear friend, I encourage you to try visiting it.
Thanks for reading through my post.

 2 years ago  

I'm a Nigerian and have heard so much about this place but has not for once visited this place before. It is a very nice place to go.

 2 years ago  

It is indeed a very nice dear friend.
I haven't visited the place.
I will try this year though.
Thanks for reading through my post dear.

 2 years ago  

Looks like a beautifull places and cold. I like it, and actually i'm affraid with the high, if i'm not, that cable cars will be fun to me. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

 2 years ago  

I am also afraid of heights dear friend.
But for adventure purposes, I will love to try the cable cars.
But one can still go at the top of the ranch with the use of vehicles.

 2 years ago  

But before you try that, you have to check it and make it save. 😉

 2 years ago  

Obudu ranch...from our text books in school to actually check it online..very sweet place..the cable cars seems to be very beautiful to experience, the view would be crazy

 2 years ago  

yes, a very amazing view from the cable cars though.
The stories from our textbooks were really amazing though.

 2 years ago  

I have heard so many nice things about the castle ranch and I will also love to visit their someday 😍

 2 years ago  

It will be really nice of you to visit there dear friend.
I am equally planning on visiting soon though.
Thanks for reading through my post dear friend.

 2 years ago  

wow, judging by the pictures alone this place is very beautiful, hopefully someday I can visit it. Thank you for sharing with us.

 2 years ago  

it is a nice place dear friend.
Thanks for reading through my blog.

 2 years ago  

Obudu Cattle Ranch is also another place I would love to visit someday.

 2 years ago  

We can make that happen, man. what do you think
Thanks for reading through my blog

Obudu Cattle Ranch... I have been hearing about this place since I was in Primary school. I am yet to go there, but it would happen soon. Especially after reading this beautiful piece of yours, why would I not want to go?
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Smiles, It is quite a lovely place to visit sir.
It would be nice if you make time to visit there too.
I am equally planning so too.
Thanks for reading through my post sir.