The Struggle for Clean Drinking Water: Necessity, Challenges, and Solutions

in Hive Learners2 months ago

I wish I could say that sourcing clean drinking water in this part of the world and this modern time is easy but sadly, it isn't, even if you can afford to spend on getting sachet or bottled water which ought to be safe for drinking, we are still not guaranteed of the water being clean because most of these water factories are not after the cleanliness and health of their consumers rather are after their own selfish interest of making quick money,

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I watched on the news some few months back how some local drink and water factory were busted by the authority for bypassing the health and cleanliness standards based on their equipment and surrounding, set in place by the authorities, they just go ahead and mass produce, ignoring the main essence of their production- Clean Water

Some of them go as far as imitating trusted brands, but still, we have no choice but to buy this water sometimes hoping we are buying from the right source, I also buy sachet water for my home, but on days when I can't afford them or have the time, I rather boil my water and allow it cool down before drinking


Most people ignore the importance of clean drinking water, as a child, I never liked that my mum would use a water guard to purify our drinking water because it always left a taste, but mum would always insist that was the only way to purify our drum of drinking water, still, I wasn't sure if it was necessary but had no choice than to drink it like that.

Attaining adulthood, there was a time an aunt of mine fell seriously ill and when she was diagnosed, I heard my mum say she fell ill as a result of not drinking clean water since she also never took it seriously and just drank straight out of any tap, not minding if the water tank had been washed and purified, the sickness was so severe she learned the hard way that even though water Is taken for granted, it plays a very crucial role in our system, helping us rehydrate and flushes toxins out of our system, so it is important we source clean drinking water to maintain good health.

Since that ugly episode, she doesn't take her water source for granted anymore, you would often find her with bottled water, but just like I stated earlier, not all of them are 100% purified, and also not everyone can afford to buy bottled or sachet water every time, especially for a large family, the best and affordable method of purifying our water would be to use water guard just like my mum, or if you don't like your water tasting differently just like me, boiling it and using a clean container to store the boiled water remains the surest and most affordable option if making sure that our water is clean and safe for drinking, also maintaining good health.

Thank you for reading.❤❤

 2 months ago  

The earlier we realize that over 80% of our health is tied to what we drink more than what we eat the better for us all. Water as most people would call it is life, and we must take good water to stay healthy.

 2 months ago  

I hope we all come to this knowledge and understanding, water indeed is life, so we must take precautions to make sure we are drinking clean water always.

Thanks for your input.

 2 months ago  

Proper precautions should be taken because we can't be fully sure of the water we drink.

 2 months ago  

Exactly, taking the right precautions is neccesary for us all.

 2 months ago  

Yes ma'am

 2 months ago  

There are some things we don't take seriously especially boiling or purifying clean water. As you all know water is a life without water how are we going to survive.

 2 months ago  

that's right sis, we just need to take this aspect of our health seriously, water is a very vital human need to survive.

 2 months ago  

I'm sad to hear that a relative of yours was harmed due to the water not being of good quality, bottled water is generally expensive, congratulations on the attitude of boiling it, this helps to improve and clean more impurities

We are responsible for whatever we consume👌
Safety and precaution is what we need to ensure we drink a healthier and cleaner water

Even the sachet water that we buy end up giving us typhoid
Most of these water companies are just out for their money,they really don’t care that much


 2 months ago  

The problem of producing fake version of some products mostly in unhygienic environment is a serious one. It saddens my heart seeing unscrupulous people making money at the detriment of other's health. It's so bad.

I have heard about water guard many times. How does it look like? Liquid of solid?


Some of the sachet water companies don't even treat their water at all, and when they do, they use dangerous formulations of preservatives harmful to human health. Thanks for the post.


Boiling our water is one of the most affordable ways of keeping water safe.

I hope water companies do better. Some water can be very harmful to one's health.

Came in from dreemport.