in Hive Learners2 years ago

Love, in my perspective, is an inexplicable sense of deep affection for someone to the point of being unable to control your sentiments toward them. It's more than just saying "I love you"; it's a truly meaningful and undoubtedly great experience, regardless of the circumstances. You have a lot of compassion for the individual.
Our ideas about love can't and won't change; you must learn to articulate what "Love" means to you using the appropriate emotions. When it comes to describing your feelings, you're frequently at a loss for words. Having an ill-defined concept of love is usually unlucky, because the deeds you receive in the name of "Love" aren't necessarily what you expect.






You know how when you're single and you're debating with your buddies about how nothing in this world would ever force you to try something, well that's a lie. You are in love and would do everything for it, even if it meant polishing the love to make it appear better.

These are the words of Runtown, a popular musician.
"For the sake of love, I will do anything," he says.


I had spent almost two years attempting to get a woman who had dumped me for the sake of love. My mind was muddled by the possibility of seeing her with another man. She kept giving me the impression that "we could work things out," and I kept putting so much effort into trying to win her back. She was probably enjoying the energy and attention I was giving her, so she wanted that, but it was nothing serious or close to returning back. But it's never changed how I love someone; when I love someone, it's obvious; you'd be in the faces or memories of everyone I know, and I'd make sure I exhaust their megabytes with your photos and videos.



For me, love is about communicating how much you mean to me at a time when no one else matters. You are the most beautiful woman in my life, and no one beats my darling girl, even if someone shows me the most beautiful woman on the planet. In love, I am always willing to improve my shortcomings; it may take time, but I am also willing to change for the best. I pay attention to the things you enjoy—I recall making a big list of everything someone I cared about enjoys, so I don't skip anything



Your ratings are higher than the average folks I connect with, thus you instantly become a priority to me. Everything about you is seen as a valuable asset. Your happiness is a worry of mine, and I am concerned everytime I see you upset.Once in love with someone, I prepared for her birthday as if it were mine, and my friends had to refer to me as the celebrant at one point since I was devoting all of my time, energy, and resources to it; it was something I had never done before in my life. But love compelled me to do so.


I once met one of Jezebel's daughters, who was very attractive and exuded a contagious vibe. We struck up a conversation, and everything seemed to be fine. I believe in respecting people's relationships, so I inquired if she was in a relationship, to which she replied, "No.". I was overjoyed, and as a sharp guy, I applied pressure, and she reciprocated my feelings. Things had come to the point where she had to call and say she needed to talk about something very serious; she came over simply to tell me that "she had a boyfriend" and that she is now confused because she loves me and does not want to leave me.


Omo, you initially lied to me about your connection, then remained silent as things progressed. Now that we've reached the point where you know it'll only be a matter of time before I ask you out, you're bringing me "breaking news.". She apologized and went on to add that she doesn't think she'll stay with her boyfriend, but she's begging me to be her awaiting boyfriend for the time being.

"Women will smear your white and publically humiliate you" @gone-hive, 2022

"You can never advise someone who is in love," they say, and that is exactly how I felt as I maintained the atmosphere we had created, dismissing what had occurred as insignificant. I awaited the breakup as if it were the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.It never arrived; she was thriving on my attention, casually kissing me and making romantic moves; it meant the world to me, but it wasn't for her; she was only biding her time till her connection with her partner improved and strengthened.
She kept going back to pleading with me not to go, that "my friends were about to ruin something precious," after my friends intervened to free me from the spell I had gotten myself into. I almost went back to be with her, but my friends put a lot of pressure on me. I managed to get away.




Long-distance relationships were one of the most heinous scam schemes ever devised.
I was really calling this girl every day to see how she was doing since, given our distance, communication was critical. I didn't want her to have the impression that I didn't care.
Long distance relationships necessitate both partners' involvement in the relationship to have active communication, and the highest level of discipline. Months passed, and we continued to see each other twice a month because she was busy with medical school and I was busy with engineering. I spoke to her on the evening breakup, and everything was fine; she even mentioned how much she missed me and that she was planning a visit the following week. She texted again in less than 30 minutes, saying she wanted to chat about something important, and the breakup line was

"This is not about you, I cannot continue anymore I don't want to involve you in my mess"

It took less than three weeks for me to see her IG post celebrating another guy with all the words Williams Shakespeare forgot to use in describing love. My (Mrs Private Girlfriend) was suddenly free to post the love of her life


I really do not care about the character of who I am falling I love with. I have been in relationship with people who love to take drugs or smoke. I have tried to help them stay clean. It is not something love would make me do.



It is funny how I have seen love made alot of people neglect their families. Most times, the family members are crying and begging to be remembered because their son or daughter is far gone in love


I would never neglect loving myself first before anyone else. It has to be about me having much love to make myself happy before attempting to share with someone. My mental health has to be 100% also in love and I must be happy.



 2 years ago  

Self love is very important indeed, imagine placing someone as a priority whereas you are not even on their list.🥺

 2 years ago  

Women will stain your white and disgrace you

 2 years ago  

omo, why do you share love? ️😅
I like that part.

 2 years ago  

I would teach you some "pidgin" English in Nigeria

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

family above all, this sentence is full of meaning, I really like this. Thanks for sharing :)

 2 years ago  

I don't really advice people to go for a Long distance relationship because most times it doesn't work.

It so amazing to know all the things you're will to do for love 💖

 2 years ago  

Thanks b

It is so true

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Girls have showed you shege bro... I have finally heard the story behind your breakfast.😎
I will copy the link to this post and put it into my diary, it will be my manual on how to act with women.
On a more serious note though, I am glad you were able to get yourself back and move on. Moving on can be hard indeed, but you have been able to do it well so far and that can be considered to be progress.
For now, only the future knows what else is in store for you in regards to love.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Crazy things my guy...very crazy but we move regardless of everything.

 2 years ago  

love is always there whatever the conditions, when other people stay away from us, the people who love us will always accompany us in any case ❤

 2 years ago  

This should be the mentality regardless of anything