in Hive Learners3 years ago

An interesting day to be alive and such a beautiful day to be on the Hive Blog

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@hive-learners Community weekly prompt promises to be very exciting with another topic based on "One wish": If you had one wish to make, and that wish would come true, what would it be?




To be honest, I have a million wishes that I want to fulfill, and they may not be enough for me. Over the years, I have learnt that in the society we live in, everyone has wishes, as it is frequently stated in conversations. The majority of it is based on wealth and greater wealth. We create a lot of wishes in the hopes that most of them will come true one day; most of the time, we work to make those dreams come true. Making wishes and hoping for them to come true is a wonderful thing to do. As a result, after considering all of my desires, I opted to pursue only this one.



I recognize that many of the people who will read this post would not be not expecting to see this wish, so it may seem strange. But "Why ask for other things when you cannot enjoy them in a tranquil world?". I just want to turn on the TV every day and see good news; I don't appreciate being constantly bombarded with breaking news on my TV screen, and Twitter been overloaded with war and unrest-related concerns. Every section of the world is in flux, shifting from one issue to the next.I remember when I was in high school, the world was a lot safer than it is now, and there was a desire to band together as a single body and coexist in love and peace.The question is "Where did that peace go to?".


Yes, I wish to be extremely rich, I hope to surpass Elon Musk, I wish to see my friends and family become rich also. I wish i could have long life and great healthy, keep ageing but stay young while enjoying life. But the question would be what is the essence of wishing for all these if the world is not at peace?. I rather wish for something I would cherish more for a lifetime and what would benefit everyone too.


My wish is that all World leaders would sit down in their capitals and realise the amount of responsibilities bestowed upon them by their countries. I deeply wish they would be able to recognise that the power vested upon them was to promote development and overall promote Peace. I also hope that they can see clearly that no human life deserves to be played with filthy politics, all that is needed is good morals and standards to promote everything good while helping ourselves.



I wish that everyone in the world could stop and think about these questions-"why all these conflicts and unrest?" and "why can't we all live in peace and happiness?" We must recognize that we are all humans, regardless of ethnicity or countries, and it is in our nature to love and care for one another; so, why should power or fame hinder us from doing so?. Poverty, starvation, a lack of essential utilities, a lack of education, natural disasters, and concerns affecting girls occur all over the world. Rather than hurting ourselves over trivial problems, we should work together to address these varieties of issues. We jeopardize the next generation when we put the world's peace at risk .

I am alive solely because of the meticulous judgments made by previous generations to guarantee that World Peace is maintained; otherwise, I could have been a victim of war or unrest. World peace encompasses not only humans but also the environment. I desire that wildlife is completely protected, and that deforestation is much minimized; a new tree represents a new life, and with life comes peace. For humans to live peacefully, the environment must be beautiful and intact. Otherwise, problems will arise.



I'd like for each of us to take a hard look in the mirror and see that our choices have consequences. The situation in Ukraine serves as an example; over 1.7 million Ukrainians have been relocated in Europe, making it Europe's largest displacement catastrophe. People are fleeing their country on a regular basis, with bomb warnings and impending missiles damaging buildings and killing people, all due to poor judgment. Every day, I check the news for fresh developments in the battle,hoping that the war is ending, but more damages are been done. Ukraine's tranquility has vanished, children can no longer attend schools, healthcare is under jeopardy, and countries that rely on Ukraine for food exports are in a state of emergency, and the sanctions imposed on Russia are having an impact on the global oil and gas markets. It clearly demonstrates that unrest and lack of peace affect the entire world, regardless of area. Finally, I hope that all humans can perceive themselves as one, that we can live together regardless of race, and that no one will be transformed into radioactive ash. Without any self-interest, we may provide hope, love, and affection to any place in the world.


I hope we could all return to being Humans, and perceive our differences as a small annoyance rather than a threat to our peace. When we are peaceful and united, we can achieve more. Hopefully, nature hears my plea and grants it.


 3 years ago  

I was surprised at your wish, but you have a point, how can we enjoy life when the world is upsidedown, war everywhere.

To wish for peace is the best thing you can ever ask for, you not only want things to be good with you but also with everyone. If only everyone have your kind of heart, many good things would be happening now.

Even families don't trust themselves anymore because of corruption. If only the government will do their work and stop all the embezzlement, if only they will listen to the voice of their people.

My dear, there are many things to talk about when it comes to peace, I pray God grant us the wish because this is for the betterment of everyone.

 3 years ago  

I had to think carefully, about what I really wanted

 3 years ago  

That's right ☺️

 3 years ago  

I really love your understanding
It is very beautiful to see how you see things and I am glad about that

 3 years ago  


Honestly, a world without peace is pure chaos. And the sad thing is that we are slowly succumbing to that.
These days all we hear in the news is chaos and violence, everyone wants to take advantage of the other.

Maybe a little peace all around will make this world more liveable.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 3 years ago  

Thank you for stopping by Bruno

We deserve this wish