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RE: Facing critical situations and taking Lessons

in Hive Learners4 months ago

About that "chinese" thing it is interesting that a friend of mine told me that you were Japanese ( your nickname and your eyes) and I told him that it is impossible. I couldn't see that. Yeah you have eyes that looks like almonds... but no Chinese or japanese at all, and they are pretty. Do you know that there was a girl in school that told me once that I had also eyes that looked asian? lol and promise you that they aren't. More precisely Mongol. In Brazil, there is a slang to call a Mongol a dumb person, with mental problems, since it is a very pejorative meaning associated with the eyes of people who have Dawn Syndrome ( they look like having asiatic eyes), who have mental disabilities.

 4 months ago  

I don't take being called Chinese as a bad thing but she was truly trying to bully me through it that's why I have reacted otherwise I do like Chinese people and they are all beautiful.

 4 months ago  

Of course they are, the problem is when people use it as a pejorative term...