3D square mandala | creative sunday

in Hive Learners26 days ago

Arts is no doubt fun, but writing blogs after making art is not fun🤭😂

Oh seriously this is my serious opinion, i like making art but i don't like writing alot. Maybe I'm kind of lazy person who delay things even sometimes just simply skip it.

I have listened somewhere that if you're lazy then you're a genius because you are using your brain in thinking ideas about how to do works without wasting energy 🤣🤣

I made this art last week but didn't got time to post it, I was having my exams and they were so hectic. But this week I'm really too free for flying up in the sky🤭 but still I'm not flying because I'm wingless🙂.

My inspiration for making this art is that i loved this design of mandala. With every single day I'm realizing that mandala art is alot more than my thoughts and I'm glad that I'm learning it more and more every single day.
And the best thing is the much I'm doing it, the more I'm loving it.


  • Black Pointer
  • Black Marker
  • 10B graphite pencil
  • Scale
  • Eraser


The process of making the mandala design starts with the simple square of 15 cm length.

In second step i added some lines to complete the patter.

In third step i made a mistake, i usually avoid checking reference image everytime as it diverts my attention somewhere else. And i accidentally added pointer outlines wrongly.

Like i made a big square and a small square inside it but it wasn't like what i did, the place where pencil is pointing, was actually the mistake.
But it's okay we can cover anything with art.

I started with designing in the most outer part of the square.

The design i used for filling 1st part of square is this. And this is so simple as shown in this image. Sometimes the pointer designs look so messy and difficult to understand that's why i took this extra image to help you to learn design more easily.

For filling 2nd layer of boxes i added three lines with pencil, the first distance is 0.5 cm the second one is 1 cm and third one is 1.5 cm in distance.

The second layer was so simple to understand, i just added simple circles in smallest box and simple pattern in other medium and large box.

For last box i made 5 equal distance boxes.

And filled that boxes with simple pattern of lines, flowers and triangles, and also shaded the empty triangle space in design with black pointer.

For final step I added shades to make the design look 3d, For shading i used pencil of 10b. I focused towards the light and darks of the drawing and ended up making it look presentable

And this is the final result of 3D square mandala art. No doubt the line mistake i made at start is still running the whole look but i tried my best to make it look good.

Happy Sunday🌸

 26 days ago  

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency

 25 days ago  

This is lovely!

 25 days ago  

I love this!!
Would be perfect as a wall art. This is very creative, I promise you.
Well done!

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WOW!!! This is incredible, @hadianoor - you have created a wonderful piece of artwork. And that 3D effect comes through soooo clearly. I love it! Did you do a course or self-taught? I imagine that this form of creativity is very relaxing and satisfying. You have talent!

I have listened somewhere that if you're lazy then you're a genius because you are using your brain in thinking ideas about how to do works without wasting energy 🤣🤣

ROFLLLLLL I am gonna have to use this one! You crack me up! 😂😂😂 hehehe


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Such fine detail, amazing ♥️ Did you make it as a present for someone???

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

Your are is really nice haha and I agree, as someone that studied art, that having to explain everything killed the vibe for me.

Why don't you share the photos on Threads? I see you tried inleo once, it has getting better on the last months, maybe you can try the short version instead of creating a long post every time