AI is controlling us

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Years back a robot named Sophia was made by the company Hanson Robotics. What makes her so popular that even kids know her? Actually, she was the first robot who got citizenship in Saudia Arabia moreover she made a statement that "Okay I will destroy humans". Lots of drama and criticism started at that time in favour of Sophia and some against Sophia and people also showed their fear towards AI and robots.

But was it actually worth getting scared of robots?


To be honest yes, it is worth it. Not only the danger of hurting mankind physically, robotics and AI are also affecting our mental capacity and leading to the death of our thoughts.

Have you ever heard that a person died because his brain stopped functioning? Involving AI in our daily lives is no doubt helpful for humans as it helps us to complete lots of things in seconds but indirectly it's destroying our thinking capacity and making us useless.

After the involvement of ChatGpt and other text AI people started using them for writing codes, assignments, finding material and even sometimes for small and basic calculations.

Isn't it the worst one can do with you? Isn't taking your ability to think, is worse?

The whole argument above was just the basics of who does it better, human or AI, and why one prefers placing a machine or AI instead of hiring a human.

"Of course it's AI,"

Why will one waste his/her resources on someone who is totally useless and not even able to produce his own thoughts?

What if AI takes my current job?

As my current job is content writing there is very little chance of AI taking over any job-related content writing.

Why? Because AI is not able to generate emotions and thoughts. Ai won't have thinking abilities. A content written by a chatbot or any other AI is what one person feeds into it.

The ones who use AI or gpt for their work may notice that they repeat their answers. For example, if you are searching for a birthday party theme it will be the same for you or another person searching same stuff.

Does AI affect on management jobs

I'm doing BBA and in future, I'll get a job as a manager or any kind of management job. Actually robots are not able to take over management jobs too because AI can make any kind of judgment. AI can make cash flows, financial statements, ledgers, and many other things but AI is not able to make judgments and make decisions without giving any specific command and humans are needed to provide commands to any AI or robot.

Although, Nobody can tell where AI will stand in the next 5 or 10 years but it’s unlikely that the Manager will be replaced by AI anytime soon because the role of Manager evolves with time. Managers will still be needed because of the judgements and critical thinking

Overall, the fear of AI is obvious because it is grabbing lots of attention from humans and making its place in our lives but still, there are so many things that AI needs to learn and so many advancements AI needs to introduce to compete with a human being.

But if humans keep using AI so much instead of using their brains will surely affect their value and their value in the world. So try not to use AI and use your brain to solve at least small things and answer small questions.

 2 months ago  

Artificial intelligence is making us slaves and we are loosing our freedom of thought as we are asking our questions from AI rather than scratching our own head!

 2 months ago  

People indeed dislike being enslaved, but they don't mind being enslaved by machines or routines.
Ahh humans, they are always a mystery.

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