Obesity that led her to depression.

in Hive Learners2 months ago

In our current reality where feelings can weigh highly on the heart, it's important to recognize the battles many face with conditions like depression. This story dives into the journey of a friend trying to cope with the obesity and depression that her family and society gave her.


It was towards the end of January 2023 when I started noticing some changes in my friend. She was often very unhappy. It's not like sadness which goes away quickly, I found that she was feeling weak. It was called depression that slowed her down. She stopped enjoying her habit. She also usually cancels important tasks, perhaps because she is no longer interested in any kind of work. It didn't mean she didn't want to do anything, but in fact, she was not in a condition to even bother doing anything. She felt really lonely, even when we were all together and talking.

She was sad and these feelings weren't going away. the only reason behind her sadness was depression. Depression that society gave her because she was not perfect, she was fat. Every single day was making her condition worse. The thing that confused me was that she never cried she was holding all her tears and problems, in her heart without thinking about where it would lead her if she did not take the trash out of her body. What if she was fat? What if she was not as perfect as everyone else but she had a pure soul and jolly personality and so many other things but what society did with her was just ruin her personality and make her feel uneasy even in her own home?

I tried to guide her by holding patience as well as understanding. I wanted her to feel comfortable atleast infront of me and share her problem with me so I can help her to get out of her phase of depression and what i found that she was also tired of getting depressed and wants to live a peacefull life as she was living before, but is it actually possible when your family is also throughing creepy sentenses to your body and making you uncomfertable.

Well as per her case only some attention and motivation worked alot. She was not a proper pateient of depression but she was just entering to that pahse and if she would not get help at her very begining stage she will surely get stucked in her depression but thankfully she came back towards life.

I sometimes motivate her to see some Doctors or specialists that can assist with her Depression too. Even we had a psychologist in our university who is available for us in university hours. I brought her there too and some small sessions with our beloved teacher helped her to learn that life is gift of God and we are creations of God so instead of crying because of what people say about you, go and think what God thinks about you.

Every person's experience with feeling depressing and also listening to voices is various. What helps someone, may not be beneficial to others. So, I paid attention to what my good friend requires and also attempted to help her in the very best means.

The thing hurts me the most is why people judge other people with their bodies, their appererance, their money or any other thing. Do they actually had the right to do this? I don't think so. Try not to be the one who is behind the reason of someone's depression and tears. Help them grow and live happy life. Which is right of every human being.

 2 months ago  

Obesity is although mother's of the disease but people take it as a mother of criticism. To be obese is not body sham, usually people have been seen with it. We should know how to tackle with this condition. I 'm happy, you helped your friend in the hard condition.

 2 months ago  

Thank you for appreciating. At that time, she really needed some motivation to come out of that phase.
It's unfortunate that people tend to criticize not only overweight individuals but also those who are skinny, without considering how much they are indirectly hurting the person being targeted.

 2 months ago  

Society labels and give titles to people and this thing pushes a person into depression. Person questions himself and target himself.
Even people call me "mota" which I feel bad many times.

 2 months ago  

You are not actually fat, even you look so thin sometimes. Boys look good in muscular body but not in slim body shapes according to me😆😆
Calling someone with nicknames that actually hurts them is just narrow-mindedness of people around us so don't mind it and live your life according to your choice.

 2 months ago  

It's beautiful that you recognize the fact that she is a pure in heart lady, that should count for her. Her size shouldn't matter but then, our society today isn't helping.

I like that you applied understanding to your friend in her state, your other support are amazing too. I'm sure she appreciates you so much for being there for her.

 2 months ago  

Sometimes just a little help is enough for us because I just gave her a little help and she floated by herself till the end.
Yes it's true, your body size never matters what really matters is how good you are at heart.

 2 months ago  

Society makes up a concept to look perfect have the perfect body which makes few lose their confidence and end up being in depression which is a common thing.


 2 months ago  

We cannot change someone's way of thinking but we can adapt ourselves to it. Let people say whatever they are saying just ignore and do what you actually love.


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@ayamihaya(2/5) tipped @hadianoor

It is the job of the society to criticize people sometimes on their color, sometimes on their fatness, sometimes on their education and sometimes on their height. As a good friend, you made a very good decision to take him to a psychologist to help him get into his comfort zone.

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