My Cat Roro Wants to Explore Outside, and I'm Worried

in Hive Learners3 months ago (edited)


So, I've got this cat, Roro. She's usually a chill house cat, but something's changed. I need to talk about it because, honestly, it's stressing me out, and maybe you've been through something similar.

Roro's Big Adventure... That Wasn't Supposed to Happen

Here's the deal: Roro somehow got a taste of the outside world by accident. Our home has always been her safe space, especially since the streets around our place aren't kind to cats. There are a lot of stray cats near us, and I've seen too many of them get sick and not make it. It's heartbreaking.

But ever since Roro slipped out that one time, she's been acting differently. She meows by the door, asking to go out again. It's like she's got this itch to explore that she just can't shake off.


Now, I'm caught in a weird spot. I want Roro to be happy and free, but I also know that "free" can mean risky for a cat in the city. Every time she cries to go out, I feel like I'm letting her down by keeping her in. But then, letting her out feels like I'm not doing my job to keep her safe.

I've been going around in circles in my head, trying to figure out what's best for her.

Looking for Some Friendly Advice

So, this is me, reaching out. I'm putting this story out there because I'm really hoping some of you might have gone through the same thing and have some wisdom to share.

How do you deal with a cat that's got a serious case of wanderlust? Is there a way to keep her happy and safe at the same time? I'm all ears for any tips, tricks, or just some good old-fashioned advice.


It's More Than Just a Cat Thing

I guess this whole situation has made me think a lot about what it means to care for someone. Whether it's a cat, a dog, or a person, finding that balance between keeping them safe and letting them live their life is tricky.

I'm hoping by sharing this, we can all learn a bit from each other. So, if you've got a story, a tip, or even just a word of support, I'd really appreciate it. Let's help each other out, yeah?

Disclaimer: All the graphics created by Dall-E


This is my participation on topic of Hive Learners called What's Your Problem?

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Who am I?

My name is Hiro a loving husband, a Hiver since 2017, a world explorer, a Hive marketer, a cat lover, and a proud Christian of the MCGI.


I discovered Hive back in 2017 when I was doing my research. My goal on Hive is I want to use the stake power up to be able to help the community. I prayed to God to help me to be able to become a cheerful giver to anyone who is lacking like food, medicine, and livelihood. Hope you can follow my journey


I think she's in heat. Try getting another cat for her, a male cat so she won't get out of the house anymore. They really need companions so if they have one they won't bother going out anymore.
What she's feeling is normal..we have a cat too. He's male and he wants to go out specially when he is in heat. Luna is an alpha and is really very dominant when it comes to other male cats in our neighborhood probably because he is a Siamese breed. They have the tendency of being dominant and territorial so he often get in fights with other male stray cats but he ends up always winning, maybe because of his size, he is big.

So yah, just give Roro a boyfriend she will chill out at home... Meow!😻😻

 3 months ago  

Thank you so much for sharing your insights and experience!

The possibility that Roro might be in heat hadn't crossed my mind, but it makes a lot of sense given her behavior.

I appreciate the suggestion of getting her a companion to help curb her desire to explore outside. It's an interesting idea, and I'll definitely consider it carefully.

Your welcome brother.

Same here. Our Fluffy used to be contented just indoors. Now, she needs a time out where she goes out of the window and sit on our villa wall. It also makes me worried because there are too many stray cats around here. There was even one evening when she managed to go down to the other side of the wall and nobody noticed. It was only when I was about to sleep and I looked for her only to realize she isn't inside the house yet. She was not on her usual spot on top of the wall. I found her waiting outside of the gate. 🥲

 3 months ago  

Your experience has given me some food for thought, especially about creating safe outdoor spaces or supervised outdoor time for our cats. It's a delicate balance between allowing them some freedom and ensuring their safety.

Thank you for sharing your story; it's comforting to know we're not alone in navigating these challenges with our curious feline friends. 🐱💕


Find Fluffy. 🤣

 3 months ago  

I saw her 😅🤣

cats and pets are not a healthy choice to live inside the house

 3 months ago  

I am not pretty sure about it, but it really helps a lot because of the joy that our cats brings to our house

You really have a cute and charming cat. There is always a way that cats and dogs as pet always flow with humans that they become one of our favourite pets

 3 months ago  

I wish it's a human that will understand when you try to explain things to her.

Maybe you should try escorting her out, I mean guard her out and follow her back home.


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 3 months ago  

I wish it's a human that will understand when you try to explain things to her.

I wish that too lol

 3 months ago  

Quite a complex situation you have here, cats are intellectual beings despite being domesticated they still have the longing for the wild. I guessed your cat must have experience something during her stay outside that made her feel more at ease than being at home. I have never had a cat but from my general knowledge of pet, staying inside for too long makes them feel suffocated. I believe if you can let her out in a garden or probably take her out on a walk once in awhile might help a little.

 3 months ago  

Thank you for your thoughtful comment and for sharing your perspective on this situation. It's fascinating to consider the innate nature of cats and their intellectual curiosity that drives them to explore beyond the confines of their home.

I agree with you on the importance of finding a balance that allows our pets to satisfy their natural instincts while ensuring their safety.

Leaving Roro in the city can risk the cat's life. You should give her some time with yourself it Will get used to staying with you. Cats are natural. You have an adorable cat and I am sure it will love staying with you. Take care ❤️

 3 months ago  

Thank you for your kind advice

My pleasure 😁

 3 months ago (edited) 

I am not so experienced with pets but from what you said, letting Roro out to explore the world won't be a nice idea. Some animals will always return home when they are let out but some won't, considering your environment too, you said there are many strays, and it's not cat friendly, what if she mingles with the strays and refuses to return home? Or chooses to go out often and not spend more time at home?

Just let her be at home, and if possible get her another cat, so that she will havea companion. I am sure with time she will let go of her desire to explore the outside world.

 3 months ago  

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns about Roro's situation. It's really helpful to hear different perspectives, especially from those who might not have extensive experience with pets but still offer valuable insights based on the information provided.

You've raised some very valid points about the risks associated with letting Roro out, especially given the environment we're in with many stray cats and potential dangers. The fear of her not returning or preferring the company of strays over the safety of home is indeed a significant concern.

Fortunately, she is always finding her way home after an hour or two of being outside, maybe I will make a post about the update in the future

 3 months ago  

Your cat is beautiful and good cat like this going outside might've dangerous.

 3 months ago  

Yeah, we are still figuring things out how to come up with a best solution

 3 months ago  

Roro got herself a boyfriend out there that she always want to go and chill off with. Maybe she will go and not return someday that's how some of them does. I remember my mother in-laws cat did that way too abandoning her kittens

I just hope she acts differently. Happy reading from you

I strongly believe this cat will definitely be so precious to you looking at how it Charming and innocent your cat looks

 3 months ago  

yeah, we love her and treat her as our first born child

Yea it is evident. Those types of pets are not just mere pets. They have become family members because they have been part and parcel of us

Same thing happened with my child kitty and the kitty was murdered right away. Indoor cats don't know about the danger outside less how to defend itself. Be strong, no. Play with him, give him extra love, same case with the female cats. They're ultra smart animals that have and instinct and know how to manipulate. Keep strong and not allowed.

She is soo cute. It's a major problem I also have a pet cat and I also have this issue

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