The Fear Of Play2earn Games Reliability

in Hive Learners3 months ago

Well! In every business, what the investors do love to hear is and Sustainability and Profitability of the company. Either your investment is small or big; as an investor, you won't like to lose your money; and that is the reason many people are skeptical about play2earn game.
Technology has made things easier and tougher: for instance anyone who has the knowledge of programming can establish certain projects online today, and by next three months when people have invested with their money; the project may no longer exist. This has made people scared to invest online.
There are many people that feel victim of online scamming; and I heard some of the victims' experience and I realized the reasons they were skeptical about online investments.
Some of the victims are just too difficult to convince.
I would have scammed last December but I knew that they were scammers; most of the people were scammed except a few of us. I will share the experience here

I received an email about the new trading system called litefinance. The trading company started by giving us tasks every day.
What was the task?
They asked us to screenshot the pages of any link they posted on the telegram page. I was happy because I was getting $2 per day for three days. Therefore, everyone gets a minimum of $2 everyday
Some of us never knew it was a scam; after 3 days of the first stage; the came up with investment plans.
The investment plan was,’the higher your investment, the greater your profit’.
That was how they started with assurance of employment after the completion. It wasn't like a fake, they made the program real to investors.
I knew it was fake from the beginning but I just have to give it a try.
I chose the lowest plan which was $10; I invested $10 that very day, and got $13. People that invested $100 got more than $30. At the beginning they paid everyone that invested their money.
At the second stage, the lowest plan one could invest was $30 with profit of $15. Since I knew it was a scam, I went for $30 and got $45 in return.

Well!! They assured us of employment after the completion of the program, and we were given a certificate of completion in each phase.
The last phase was the third phase; the lowest amount to invest was $100; when it was the last round, I refused to invest.
About 90% of us invested in the third round. This was because there were bonuses and full employment attached to it; and some people believe that since they gave them their money from the beginning, they would give them their investment and profit.
After they invested, they told some people that they didn't pay attention to instructions and that was how all the investors lost their money in the final phase.
I knew that it wasn't real, so I did not go for the last phase.

After the program, one of the investors called me; I was explaining #splinterlands to him; I wanted him to join #splinterlands. But what happened to him made him conclude that online investments were not as real as they were presented. Therefore, he doesn't have interest in online investments.

This made me come up with this topic today. There are people that did not believe in online investments because of what happened to them.
We all know that #play2earn is one of the online investments. There's no how we are talking about online investments without talking about#play2earn, and crypto.

I am well aware that there are many #play2earn games outside but i can only be assured of one out of many outside.
The one i have 100% assurance about is #splinterlands. Check my blog, you will see that I have been posting about splinterlands for years. I don't think some can be posting about something like this if it is not real.
You can check for yourself by doing thorough research about the game. It is a life changer game; it is a 21st century game, it is a game that has made my life.
Splinterlands is the only game I can confidently say is reliable.
It is strange to me that people still doubt it. I have tested it and I have the testimonies in my hands; splinterlands is one of the most popular play2earn games people or players earn money. You can go to splinterlands website or blog and check it. If you want to check about splinterlands, there are links below to get there.

Splinterlands is a common place for gamers like me; I enjoyed playing the game and also earning money from it. It is like combining money with pleasure; and that is the dream of many. A place to find happiness, enjoyment and earning money.
Splinterlands is the first project I ever heard where NFT is part of earning.
Don't be confused with NFT, the full meaning is Non-Fungible Token. It is a coin one earns while playing the game. SPS (Splinterlands Governance Token) is one of the NFT’s in splinterlands. This coin can be converted to Fiat of your choice.
It depreciates and appreciates like Bitcoin and that is the reason you cannot talk about play2earn without cryptocurrency. They all work hand in hand; they are intertwined.
Friends, this is to tell you that the splinterlands game is the best.

What are you waiting for friends! Whoever wants to earn passive income, you can get the details of this @play2earn game from @splinterlands blog or click My Referral Link to register. It is a game that provides passive income. It is a game that changed the lives of many people; and I am one of them. @Splinterlands have saved me from debt, borrowing money from banks and cooperatives.
Register today, and you will thank me later.
Do you want to win cards, SPS, subscribe to Splinterlands TV. Many programs are going on in the SplinterlandsTV. You can also join Splinterlands Discord Channel where you can ask anything about Splinterlands.
I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale
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Thank you for reading my post.
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Thanks for sharing! - @underlock