in Hive Learnerslast month

You know the saying that there is time for everything under the sun? Well I think it’s applicable to most things if not everything we can think of. I know we are in the digital era and everyone is trying not to miss out from the so many opportunities that are online but then that doesn’t mean we should neglect some things because they might come back to haunt us later.

I remember about two years ago, I lived with a family I wasn’t related to in anyway but somehow we bonded so well and I became a part of that family and I lived with them for almost a year! Well I lived with mostly the parents because the children were not around, some where in school while the others don’t work in that town so I was there to help out with a few things. During my stay there, I got to learn the way of that family and I got to realize that it’s not easy to be the head of a family and making the best choices for everyone.

The father of the house was someone that is very educated and he had some great insight of things and that was what he used to help everyone make a better choice for themselves. He is not so authoritative but then he will always make sure to play the ball to your court and you will have little or no choice but to play that ball or just stay there to watch it stay still. For the time I spent with them, I was so fond of using my phone anytime I was eating and somehow that made the father of the house not happy.

It was on a faithful morning when I finished preparing beans which was the usual meal for that household. I served daddy’s own on the dining table and then I served for myself but I didn’t want to eat on the dining table because I knew if I was there I won’t be able to press my phone while I eat. At first daddy and mummy never wanted to say anything about that because they feel it was because I was still trying to adjust to the house but that wasn’t true at all. I just wanted my phone to get my attention rather than them. Of course that’s not how I would normally put it but in the end that is it.

So while I was eating and using my phone at the same time, it was as if daddy knew what I was doing so he walked quietly close to me, I won’t lie I was shocked to hear his voice so close 😂 but I tried to act like I wasn’t. Do you know what he said? His question always rings in my head every time I eat and operate my device. He said, “..so if you leave your phone for 30 minutes to eat will something happen to you?” In my mind I was trying to think of a thousand ways to defend myself but then those works kept my mind occupied and I saw wisdom in it.

I’m someone that once enjoyed eating with my family or anyone I’m close with but over time that changed. I cared less if there were peo around at least not when my phone is there with me. I do interact with those around me when my phone is with me but it has to be something really important. I no longer give response to every little questions and comments, I rather use that time to be on my phone. I’ve been told quite a number of times that I focus too much on my phone. The truth is I know that I use my phone too much too but then it’s not easy to change that.

When we are around people, it’s just best that we give attention to them as much as possible because we don’t know what they might be going through. Having a family becomes more interesting when there is good communication but with our devices with us during family time, it’s almost impossible to give the needed time to your family. Sometimes I just have to put off my phone and interact with the people around me because it is something that is necessary.

But then due to how tempting it is to just give up our phones, it’s just necessary to gave have an accountability partner or someone who can be there to caution you. Like I said, there is time for everything and it will be really helpful if we try to give attention to the things that needs attention. Personally I’d love to teach my future family how to do better and maybe that way I can even learn to do better myself. By doing that, they get to see me and correct me when I do something that I asked them not to do.

The only thing stopping me from doing what is right is myself. I’m guilty as charged so it would be hard to tell others to do something that I don’t do. But I’d keep trying to work on myself so I don’t make my children do worst, lol.

This is my response to the Hivelearners topic on “FAMILY TIME , NO TIME”.

All Images used are mine


🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @bhattg suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

 last month  

Thank you 🥹❤️

@hopestylist, you are most welcome!

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 last month  

Your honesty is so beautiful to read and honestly, I get you. With the number of things we are used to doing on our phones, it actually takes an intentional move to part with it when needed. It is even important for having personal time and to do other meaningful things that can't be done on phone.

 last month  

I know right?! There are so many other important things that we need to just keep our phones aside for but most times we just neglect them.

Thank you so much for your beautiful and thoughtful comment dear 🥰

 last month  

You're welcome sis, thanks for sharing 🌹❤️

 last month  

It’s my pleasure ☺️

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 last month  

Thank you so much 🥰


You must be killin' it out here!
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Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

 last month  

Thank you 🥰

 last month  

I never hurt the habit of using smartphone in the time of dinner or lunch unless I am alone. I always try to give priority to the family gathering and interaction since my childhood. Good thing is you came out from that kind of habit.

 last month  

I’m not out of that habit yet I’m still working on it. It’s a good thing you don’t do it 🥰.

Thank you so much for your contribution ☺️

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Awesome! Thank you so much for the update buzzy ❤️🌹

All good @hopestylist! You're a real Hive pro! Onward to that new goal!

 last month  

Thank you 🥹. I’m so hurt right now, I lost a streak but that won’t stop me from doing my best 🫠

 last month  

Good one. So I think you started eating on the dining with then since daddy said those words? Or you didn’t? 😂. It it were me. I will be eating my food in the kitchen 😂 😂

 last month  

I didn’t oo, I still ate on my own but tried to avoid using my phone 😂.

I’m never comfortable eating in the kitchen, it’s as if I’m stealing the food 😂

My mom say the exact same words too.
Sometimes she’ll ask if I’ll die without using my phone but honestly, the food doesn’t even taste nicer in my mouth without my phone🥹

 last month  

Exactly! 😂 I’m glad it’s not only me but we can do better 😅

Me I’m not ready to do better🤣

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 last month  

i am really a ictim here i can't doing without my phone more especially when i am eating during our last get together i was the main reason why the banned the used of phone

 last month  

Hahaha, you are the reason we got exposed?! Argh!!! 😅😅

Well, it’s hard to stop using our devices when we are with people but it’s possible

 last month  

Is not my dear

 last month  

Okay 🫠

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