How to Manage Financial Stress

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

According to surveys, money is a common cause of stress for adult Americans. And I don't think this is only about Americans, it could be for other people as well from other parts of the world.

Things that adds to the stress may include high inflation, cost of living, finding ways to cope with financial turmoil, the pressure of shifting economy etc.

Research has shown financial worries may contribute to many health problems.

Financial stress can arise from a number of sources. Sometimes it's the result of not managing money wisely. But oftenly, financial stress is caused by not making enough money meeting basic needs like paying the rent, groceries, usual and unexpected expenses etc.

Let's discuss a few strategies that could help coup with the financial stress.

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Financial Tracking

If finances are causing you stress, you need to relook at your financial budget. There might be many opportunities that you can utilize and make monthly adjustments in monthly spending.

  • Track how much you spend each month
  • Make a budget
  • Make small changes the could ease your money stress
  • Address your wants etc

Not everyone's situation is the same. One may not find it difficult making adjustments in their spending while others may not have that freedom.

Smart Spending

Be smart and ponder if buying something new could improve your quality of life as in some cases you may find yourself financially stressed with some purchases because of not having enough money.

Spending less can reduce stress.

  • Sell the things you don't need.
  • Instead of spending on objects, spend on skills, experiences that could be of some benefit later in your life.
  • If you could skip spending on objects, it's good to go out on a vacation with your family and friends which could create positive memories.

Emotional Support

Find someone you could trust and share your feelings ans situation with them. Stress could sometimes be overwhelming if you're are dealing with it alone.

Social support can play an important role in coping with a stressful situation.

And then there are some other stress management techniques like,

  • Getting enough sleep
  • Engaging in a regular physical activity etc.

In closing, one thing to remember is that caring for yourself is critical. Consider activities that could boost your morale, support your well-being and resilience.


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 2 years ago  

Smart spending is the hardest for me, I spend so much on food deliveries. Hope I could lessen my expenses on food nest month when I start on my diet.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Money is a cause if a lots of problems in the world of today. Nothing can be done without money thats why most are stressed and depressed when they don't have it thus not being able to meet basic needs or cater for others around.

 2 years ago  

The bad economy causing high cost of products in the market doesn't make it easier for people to spend wisely too, that's we just have to sacrifice some of our needs too, thanks for sharing, i will sure follow some of the rules you advise, especially the monitoring your spending and budgeting.

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