Newbies Initiative Task 2 : Starting Fresh On Hive

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)


The week one of the Newbies Initiative ended on a high note as all the enrolled students presented their goals on Hive and how do they plan on achieving their layed out goals. The study material presented by the experienced users came in very handy while making the previous task and this task as well so without further adieu I'll be answering the questions of Newbies Initiative Task 2.


How has been your experience with Hive since you joined?


Quite overwhelming if you ask me. To be honest I have a fair share of Blockchain Blogging in the past but boy Hive isn't just about blogging and photography or experiences of these sort. The first month on Hive has opened my eyes to an extent that I'm feeling if I slow down my pace even by a second, I'll be missing out on a lot of things in here. I had no idea about Layer 2 tokens before I joined Hive. I didn't have the faintest of ideas of so many frontends we could operate on Hive. Different websites associated with this Blockchain. So many different tokens. So many oppurtunities and so many things to learn.


When I joined Hive I had a clear roadmap of the things I wanted to do and the things I wanted to achieve in here. Needless to say, I think I am doing just fine till now. I wanted to create a network of people, enlight people through my words, experiences and my thoughts. Engage with people, learn from them and to teach them whatever I could. For that I explored multiple communities engaged with people in there and started to build a network. Nothing comes easy and it takes time to be at a respectable position, no matter where you go. It's the same on Hive, and I'm just going with the flow trying to add value as much as I can. Talking about communities, I regularly post in a lot of different communities such as Hive Learners, Pinmapple, Foodies Bee Hive etc and in these Communities I have started to know people who interact on my posts as well. In short, the blogging experience has been good so far and I'm still trying to get a hold on the tokens on the Hive Blockchain. The mentors have been very helpful to me throughout this journey.


Why is Plagiarism frowned upon on Hive?


Plagiarism is like a parasite. It destroys you from the inside by feeding on you. Plagiarism completely obliterates the Proof of Brain which requires you own thoughts and ideas presented to the world. Plagiarism is completely against that as it means to copy someone else's work and presenting it as your own.

There are a lot of forms of abuse when you're working on a professional platform such as copyright infringement, tag abuse, content farming but in my opinion plagirism is the worst of them all. Citing someone's work is different but copying all of someone's work and presenting it as your own is a downright shameful act.

The thing about plagiarists is that they think they'll never get caught. That's not the case. The world works on a perfect balance and if not immediately, the culprits are caught eventually. So yes, if you're indulged in plagiarism, know that you'll be caught someday. Desist!


Explain why the use of tags is very important on Hive.


Hashtags basically determine how far your post will reach and how many users you might get to interact on your posts, so you have to choose your tags wisely. Let me explain it to you in simple terms

You're posting something related to food. For example you're posting a cooking recipe. You made Chicken Biryani at your place and now you want to show the world how you made it, you can use the tag food in the first five tags.


Oh yes, one more important thing is to smartly use the tags. The first five tags on your post will have a wider reach and people searching for those tags could land on your post so be smart with your tags.

One more example of using tags efficiently is to use the tag based on communities as people usually tend to search them as well. For example, when I am posting in any traveling community I use the tag travel as well as the name of that community as well.

While you're at it, keep in mind that you should never abuse tags. What is tag abuse? It's when you spam unnecessary tags in order to attract more users on your post. This will not only get you ignored, it will affect your reputation as well.


List some general tags you know on Hive. Explain the difference between these tags.


*After using the specific tags related to the type of content you're posting, you can blend in some general tags as well which will help you in further engagement and will help you earn some tokens as well. I'm not familiar to a lot of general tags but the ones I am, I'll be stating them below:

#hiveone of the most used general tags, which is used by almost everyone in order to get more visibility on Hive platform.
#palnetto get layer two tokens from pal-curator
#vybthis general tag will help you get tokens from vyb-curator.
#pimppimp-curator upvotes you when you use this general tag.
#neoxianhelps you in earning neoxian token


That was it from my side. I am thoroughly enjoying making these tasks for the Newbies Initiative Program as it is helping me in developing myself on this platform as well. In the end I'd like to thank @nkemakonam89 for guiding us throughout the tasks.




huzaifanaveed hails from Pakistan, who is an aspiring dentist, studying in one of the top notch universities of Pakistan, Jinnah Sindh Medical University.

he loves interacting with new people, making new friends and traveling the world, but most importantly he loves to make a change in this world through his actions and his words. He's an entrepreneur and a philanthropist who's been actively working with different Charitable Organizations in Pakistan.

His goal on Hive is similar, ie, to make a difference. He's here to mark his presence and he'll do it through his words. So lets be a part of his journey and show him support through comments, upvotes and reblogs.


All pictures used in this article are my own, unless stated otherwise.


If you liked my content, don't forget to interact, upvote and comment.


Good job mate! Your knowledge of the Hive ecosystem has been growing impressively every single day :) Maybe just one little tip on the tags: no need to use the VYB tag if you use the POB tag ;) These two platforms / projects are kind of connected with POB being the main token. In other words: using just the POB tag makes you eligible for both POB and VYB tokens ;)

Thank you phortun. I'm still learning.

Thank you for guiding me regarding the pob and vyb tag. I'll be keeping this in mind for the upcoming posts

The thing about plagiarists is that they think they'll never get caught.

I would say, hive is a different ball game and there are always people one step ahead of those plagiarist. Sometimes though, I think education is needed as well because I think the idea of plagiarism doesn't always exist across different cultures. Someone may/may not come across education on plagiarism. This is why, I like to have educate approach and levels of warning before labeling them as plagiarist. Often the case, some people just don't improve and that's a pity. That's where I draw the line.

Indeed. There are a lot of people out there who still don't have a clear idea of what counts as Plagiarism. Infact only a few seconds before, I was reading a post in the pinmapple community in which the user was accused of plagiarism by hivewatchers. I went through the profile of that user and it was clear that he was a newbie and had little idea on how to properly use the links of the pictures he took from the internet.

Now, I have a vast experience of blockchain blogging and blogging in general as well but there are users like him, users who get a bit confused at start regarding the forms of abuse. For users like these, I believe a soft approach at the start should be taken. Alongside educating and explaining them, we should keep a check on their upcoming activities as well. If they continue to follow their old habits of abusing even after being explained, that is where you get to know that this person is an abuser and should be cut off from the platform.

One thing I have noticed on Hive, in my short period of time on this Platform is things are pretty well organized here. There's no future for abusers on this platform as far as I have noticed. The true form of decentralisation is what I appreciate and it's what I have seen here. We can't rule out the fact that there'll be countless abusers no matter where we go, but honesty always prevails no matter what.

Thank you for taking out the time to read my post, I appreciate it.

 2 years ago  

Wow, @huzaifanaveed you did an awesome job here. Summarizing the tutorial to the best of your knowledge. I really like the way you approached this questions. Good job 👌👍

pimp-curator upvotes you when you use this general tag.

As for this one, using pimp tag helps you to earn pimp token but getting curation with it is not guaranteed.

You applied an amazing markdown styles and I love 💕 it
It makes your job look very beautiful ❤️

Thank you so much for your appreciation. This really encourages me to be better and better in the upcoming tasks.

using pimp tag helps you to earn pimp token but getting curation with it is not guaranteed.

Noted. Thank you for correcting me.

 2 years ago  

Uwc my friend 😂👍👏🥰

 2 years ago  

Plagiarism is like a parasite

Endoparasite might be which digests your capabilities, it's the self-death for the writer. No matter whether it's accidental or intentional it is unacceptable.

About the tags, their usage makes you more visible apart from earning second-layer tokens. A foodie example hehe.

What is tag abuse

It also affects your account, if the unrelated tag is used you have to remain aware of action against you.

Very well explanation of questions Huzaifa 🥳 impressive .

Endoparasite might be which digests your capabilities

Oh, another medical geek here on Hive? That's interesting xD

What is it? Ascarid or maybe from the family of Plasmodium? XD

Thank you ayesha for this motivational comment. I really appreciate it. :)