My entry for the Hive Learners contest " W18E1 " | Hot Weather Conditions in My Place

in Hive Learners2 years ago
Hello friends #hive everyone how are you I hope you are always in good health

Greetings to all of us who have been in this beloved community, today I am back in front of your eyes to share stories about the current weather conditions in my place. Before continuing, I would first like to thank the Hive Learners community for giving me the opportunity to enter this week's very challenging contest. As we know this week is the 18th week of the first edition of the contest in this beloved community.


Weather is a natural phenomenon that often occurs all the time with climatic factors that occur in the earth's atmosphere and as we know that each island and the weather area is different, many factors have an impact on humans related to weather changes because if there is a change in weather, both people Adults and young children will experience a low-grade fever even if it doesn't last long.

Talking about the weather where I am recently, it is very hot and every day I see and feel the weather is so hot that activities during the day have to be postponed and return to activities in the afternoon considering the weather is so hot, plantations and rice fields are very difficult with the hot weather. happening right now.

The hot weather that occurs in my area in Indonesia or rather in the province of Aceh I live in the north and generally the weather is very hot and this hot weather has occurred since last month and there is almost no rain if there is rain for only a short time, last week there was rain in my place and even then it happened at night and it had no effect on the heat that occurred during the day because in the morning the sun had risen again and the heat was felt by the locals again.


Talking about disturbing or not, of course, as I mentioned earlier, garden and rice field workers must be postponed and return to their activities in the afternoon, for me personally, I am not so bothered by the hot weather, it's just that due to the heat, activities have to be postponed. which I do during the day, and it naturally happens and it is also impossible to work under the hot sun.

Maybe we can't control the weather because of natural climatic factors which should happen and we can only be patient with whatever happens even though the weather often changes, still everyone is used to it even though sometimes when the weather changes we have to go to the nearest clinic for treatment. buy some vitamins so that our bodies can return to activities as usual.

Generally, there is a fever due to changes in the weather from heat and sudden rain and usually this spontaneous change can bring a mild fever to our bodies, but that is very unfortunate for small children who are still babies and must be taken care of with respect to these problems, but I'm sure the mother of the children has known about the fever due to the change in the weather from ancient times and it has become a common thing.

For me personally when the weather changes spontaneously I usually experience sneezing within a few hours but if I take vitamins it immediately subsides and my body can adjust to the new weather but if I don't take vitamins then the sneezing I experience will continue and a few minutes later I keep sneezing until it completely stops after a few hours and it really annoys me if I don't take my vitamins.


Well, maybe that's all I can share about the weather in my current place, if there is a word error in my writing, I apologize profusely, and for all of my friends, let's continue to follow the contest held in this beloved Hive Learners community. , that's all from me until we meet in the next discussion.

Special thanks:


I would also like to invite my friends to participate in this contest:


NOTE : I write in Indonesian with the help of Google to translate to English




Yes it's very warm here too. Almost reached about 40C. We went for a survey in our area but because of the warm weather we couldn't do our best and had to pack up earlier than expected. I'm sure it's there as well. Take some precautions as this hot weather can lead to hearstrokes. Take care

 2 years ago  

yes that's very true my friend. thank you for visiting

 2 years ago (edited) 

Right now, I could trade the heat you have for the incessant rain we have over here. But thinking of how intense it could be, I may just stick with the cold.

We humans are insatiable. There is really never the perfect weather for us. On some days, we would complain about the heat, on others we would complain about the cold, and on the rest, maybe about the dryness in the atmosphere.

 2 years ago  

yes you are very right friend. we humans are never satisfied with the weather. even so we still have to accept the fact. Thank you for visiting.

Hola, @idayrus gracias por proporcionar información sobre el clima de su zona. Muy buena descripción y maravillosas fotos.
Feliz semana para ti

Hello @idayrus thank you for providing information about the climate in your area. Very good description and wonderful pictures.
Happy week to you
Translated with (free version)

 2 years ago  

thank you very much for your kind words brother, have a nice day.

 2 years ago  

Beautiful picture bro.
Good to know about your weather status.

 2 years ago  

yes that's right it's a good picture because i got it on pixabay. thanks.

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 2 years ago  

Wow..God is wonderful. While it's hot over there, it's exactly the opposite here in southern Nigeria. We have cold and rainy weather. That's the beauty of the universe. Glad to hear from your end!

 2 years ago  

thank you very much for your kind comments friends have a nice day friends.

 2 years ago  

The weather change has to either affect us positively or negatively. We're in the raining season and the weather comes with enough cold and breeze.

When the weather is too cool, I get cold easily and this is not good for my body.

Indeed, we cannot control the weather, but we can make sure that the weather does not make us ill or sick. We need to take measures so we overcome the weather.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

yes you are very right chief. . we can't control the weather. Thank you very much for your comments and support

 2 years ago  

The weather that often changes makes me lose our immune system and often we will feel unwell. we must prepare vitamins to prevent our bodies from getting sick easily. the weather really affects our daily activities, thank you for sharing a very interesting conception, my friend.

 2 years ago  

glad to hear you read my post today. Thank you so much buddy have a nice day.

 2 years ago  

It's great to read the posts you share. Have a nice day too👍