Growing Up Too Fast: The Reality of Adulthood vs Childhood Dreams

in Hive Learnerslast month (edited)

Image by Franz Bachinger from Pixabay

when I was a child I had this ideal age in mind that was the best thing and so exciting to me as a kid like I had many dreams and expectations that I'd be driving off a good car, a house and taking care of the parents.

Making them feel proud and all that would be great but it was just all in mind and life had different plan, some more suffering, misery and bad events one after another.

I realized it was innocence believing that the world works like that, it's not easy to achieve everything from the ground zero but all we can do is keep trying until we make it or are no more living another day.

Realizing I Reached my Ideal Age

The moment I realized that I've reached the ideal age I thought back in the childhood days it just made me even more sad and disappointed.

Image by Henri Van Ham from Pixabay

Back then I thought by the time I'll turn 20, I'd be rich enough to have a good life without the problems.

In my country like most other countries once you're 18 now you're no more a minor but a adult with responsibilities. I've seen the worst possible days in younger age that I'm happy about because it took all the unrealistic dreams I had away from me that I once dreamt or imagined as a kid.

Age doesn't make people mature over the time

In my life I've seen people who aren't 18 but still more mature than the people who are like 20+ like some older one's are non serious and don't have maturity at all.

it's a fact that age doesn't make anyone mature but it's the life experience and incident that happens to you at certain point in life is what makes you mature.

Image by Barbara Jackson from Pixabay

It's like a superpower for people who are young and have a mind of a 30 y/o to solve a problem in life and finding out ways to make things right.

The way life made me mature was by showing me the worst side of life like honestly at this age I feel like I've seen enough and only thing worth living for me is making parents proud.

After you reach the ideal age everything changes

Once you reach ideal age like mine was 20 and now I'm 21 I feel like I've lost it already and failed it, started doubted myself on everything and only overthinking about next day, month and the year.

I should have been on this level but I'm on this and that's not enough, panicking yourself and losing the confidence.

It's just like punishing yourself for not meeting your own expectation once that child in you saw some 15 years ago.

Anyway it's all past now and as we go through more life experiences we learn things and become more mature over the time and that helps us in the long run.

Wrapping Up...

In the end once you're over your ideal age you have good enough experience that gives a clear understanding of how things work and than you just keep on trying to make an impactful living which matters a lot.

Anyone over 18 knows the right and wrong, can make decisions and can take responsibility. I hope you do agree with it too, would love to know your perspective in the comments.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 01/05/2024.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 last month  

Although age directly has nothing to do with maturity but still for the average person I feel 22-24 is and ideal time considering many things.
I think those people struggle more in life to get mature early and in your case, it's also the same. It's good but it's not good also because it has both advantages and disadvantages at the same time.

 last month  

Indeed agree with you.

It's good but it's not good also because it has both advantages and disadvantages at the same time.

Exactly moving on from that past things is almost impossible and hurts... I guess that's the only price of becoming mature early.

 last month  

Back then I thought by the time I'll turn 20, I'd be rich enough to have a good life without the problems

I think every child has this dream. Haha.

It is practically impossible for most people. This stage (20) is when the sweetness of life starts, and like any other person, exploring it is the best options. haha

 last month  

LoL true.

At this age we are mostly exploring what's better for us, career and all that..


 last month  


 last month  

Maturity is something that comes with age too but it doesn’t mean that those below a certain age can’t also be matured. With age comes experiences and with experiences comes maturity but that’s only if we learn from those experiences.

I agree with you, at 18 years old it is expected that you already know what is right or wrong

 last month  

Yeah that's right, both plays role.

For some people it's also peer pressure like at certain age they start getting told by everyone what their responsibilities are, what you're supposed to do and all that just open eyes.

Glad you agree!


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 last month  

Getting to that age and seeing what it entails can move you forward or be devastated because it comes with lots of responsibilities

 last month  

Yeah true!


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