Weekend Reflections: Memes, Bills, and The Art of Socializing

in Hive Learners5 months ago
It's my first normal sunday on hive at home and from tomorrow I'll have to take classes and start to do more everyday normal routine things.

Sometimes taking break is necessary and now is time to focus on goals.. after returning to home, now I've to think about the responsibilities and everything else all the time.

I've created some memes to share the experience for this weekend.

The unpaid bills surprise

First thing I did today after arriving at home was a nap and than when I woke up.. I found out unpaid bills at the door.

At that moment I was like it's been 4-5 hours at home and now I've to pay the bills.

The fact that I've not used electricity or gas in last 30 days yet I'm paying bills for it because of living in a rented home.

Trying to improve as a person

I've been introvert for a long time and interacting with other people was something i use to hesitate.

Nowadays I'm trying to improve in this side and trying to meet, interact with as much people as possible.

In life, communication matters a lot and if you're not good at social interaction than it could become a serious problem for you.

Enough interaction for the lifetime

In this month I feel like I've interacted with more people than in my entire life and now when I'm back at home.. I'll just stay in the same room and can survive my rest of life without any interaction lol.

It's just some introvert thing that I want to fix... Like all the interaction gave me a new perspective about people and having some connections in real life is always a solid choice.

The cousins from Mom Side

I like and respect my cousins from mom side a lot like we have mutual understanding and the bond is something good.

Everytime when we meet each other after some years.. it goes like this

There's no hesitation or secrets etc with mom side cousins compared to father ones.

Never short The uptrend

Recently Nvidia made new all time highs after historic revenue spike and it did liquidated billions of $ in short sellers.

Same Goss in crypto, there are people who keeps on shorting the strongest and rising uptrend thinking the market is going to crash

Everytime it goes 3% down.. it's the kind of worst thing a person can do. I even fall for such move panicking instantly and regretting later. Things we need to improve!

Wrapping Up...

In the end this is it for today's meme edition and I'd love to know which one of the meme is your favorite and your thoughts about it in the comments. I hope you're having a good Sunday.


memes created using meme generator

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Thanks for reading.

All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 25/02/2024.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 5 months ago  

The last meme is Hilarious. You punished him for dumping -3% crypto 😂. There is no better feeling when we interact with our parents after a long time. Pay your bills otherwise government will file extra fine to you. Good memes brother.

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 5 months ago  

Haha Yea, that -3% dump is on it's way anytime now !LOL

Going to pay it soon! Thanks bro. !PIZZA

I was told that Microwaves were invisible
But I can see mine on my counter.

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 5 months ago  

Enjoyed reading about your relaxed Sunday at home after an adventurous month away. The memes gave me a good laugh too. Thanks for sharing!

 5 months ago  

I'm so glad to hear.. thanks for stopping by jess!


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