in Hive Learners2 years ago

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just like every kids dream, becoming a president is what we all at some point in our lives wished for.
The joy of representing the country and being the number one citizen of the country is something to wish for and a notable thing to be.

I love Presidents maybe because I feel they get to have everything with ease or maybe it because they are respected all over the world and are given special treatment I just like everything about being a president it comes with a lot of benefits though it can be so demanding but then it a sweet position of leader.

A president is known for their good works, if the president is of good reign then the president become everybody's favorite and role model and history will always celebrate the reign

if I ever become a president today what are the first three things I would do for my country?

There are a whole lot of things to set right in my country being a president but then I'm just allowed to pick three I better take my time to do right because I will like to be remembered as a good president and would want history to celebrate me.

now to my plans

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The first thing I'm doing as a president is making another source a major economic source a priority.
my country is known for one source which is oil and this is killing the economy at some point we do not even enjoy the fact that we produce oil because we buy at a high rate even though we are known for the production.
So being the president I will channel more energy on another source of revenue to relieve the country of recession and make them of huge profit
There are so many things that can be of economic importance it all just depend on management.
My country is blessed with good soil making agriculture a source will be a good idea
we are filled with talent making sport another source is one thing that will be profitable and lastly we have a lot to show like the culture and places so making tourism an economic source will also be of huge profit.

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If the country has a stable income we can move to the next thing to do which is the educational sector.
There are so many rights to be done for the educational sector and me being the president will make the necessary amendment like making sure no strike occurs over delay in payment and the educational system is upgraded.

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The minimum wage is my country is way to low to survive as an average man. if people can devote their time working for the government then they deserve an amount to sustain them to get basic need
if I get to become the president increasing the minimum wage will be top of my priority.

I just want a country that provides for her citizen and make her citizen a priority my reign will be a reign of getting everything with ease and sure would be remembered as a good president.

Thank you for reading and visiting my blog


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I also thought the same when I was a kid. But knowing what are presidents are already doing to this world and how they themselves controlled by much powerful people, I wouldn't like to be a president at all. I rather to see a better system to live in. Because the elections themselves can be faked, and even if all elections are fair, those who didn't vote need another president, because they are not the one to blame if the president did something wrong. If the majority wanted something, it doesn't mean that everybody wanted it. All people should be the same. Not someone controlling all the wealth and deciding lives of millions. We need a decentralized world, where people really decide a better future for the humanity. The centralized system we are living in is destroying humanity.

 2 years ago  

@clixmoney this is really thoughtful I like your point of view
You gave opinion from other peoples view too.
You are right and I totally agree with you.
This is really thoughtful thank you for dropping by.

 2 years ago  

Awesome post man. I don already dey plan buy you ticket for 2023 presidential elections oo. Shey u go like contest?😜

Your 3 points are one of the many things we need in our country Nigeria. I pray we find someone during this next election who lives up to his promises and expectations.

Much love man😍

 2 years ago  

Eiiiiiiiiii my man I know say you dey my

Yeah I pray so too

 2 years ago  

Na me go be your campaign officer oo, atleast make i chop your campaign money small🤣😂

 2 years ago  

This guy!!!!😂😂😂
I no run for the post again
I give

Minimum wage, in all thee posts I have read, this is the first time I am coming across it.
This is very important because it determines the livelihood of a lot of the masses. By increasing it, the standard of livelihood would be improved as well.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

it determines the livelihood of a lot of the masses.

It sure helps a lot and will go a long way if increased.
Thank you for dropped by