in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Good food equals good mood


image made from pixellab

There is a kind of positive and happy atmosphere that good food brings. The mood becomes a good one because the food comes with a good and satisfying taste and what more can bring a good mood if not getting what you want and be satisfied at the same time.

food plays a bigger role than just giving good taste but also providing nutrients, energy and finally keeping the immune system healthy.

Food is a basic requirement for energy, food is needed to live, people who no longer stay in their cultural environment, cooking and eating food from their origin keeps them connected to their culture. food is connected to culture.

Do you have a favorite food in which the thought of it just makes you salivate and all you want to do is to have it at all times because each time you eat it brings a satisfying taste and a good mood?

well, that's how pounded yam and vegetable soup makes me.
A local dish with a unique and satisfying taste that can be simple and a bit demanding of energy to prepare.

As simple as boiling of the yam can be , it can also be demanding of energy when pounding is needed.

pounded yam is a local food with a smooth and unique taste mostly eaten with vegetable soup.

pounded yam is an example of starchy local food commonly called swallow.
pounded yam is gotten from yam class of root and tuber crops dug from the ground and pounding of yam is a popular method of preparing yam.


mortal and pestle is need likewise enough energy to pound into a chunk that if a blender is not anywhere close then the local way pounding is required though it seems like the pounding adds additional sweet taste but that just because it a belief.

Before pounding the yam, the tubers are required to be peeled and sliced to different sizes and then rinsed to be placed in a pot with enough water to level the yam
Image source7bec311b3620a2ba94a3ff024b3d2421.jpg

Boil till the yam becomes soft then pound continuously till it becomes soft with no lumps left then grind with the pestle against the mortal for further smoothing that way all lumps are eliminated to make the pounded yam more presentable and delicious to eat.

Image source

Then the final product is served in a ball-shaped with vegetable soup

Image source

The taste of pounded yam and vegetables is always sweet and mouth-watering.

pounded yam provides the body with fiber, potassium and vegetable soup provides vitamins. What a nice combination of food with a lot of nutritional benefits

I enjoy eating pounded yam, it is one food I never get tired of eating

 2 years ago  

Haaaaa pounded yam and egusi
I love love it
I am not a fan of eba (garri) I hardly eat it cox I don’t like it

But you see the other white family swallow .... I Dey there

 2 years ago  

We are together 😇😇😇😇
Don't really like the other family too.
I love pounded yam.

 2 years ago  

Pounded yam really go well with Egusi soup, the joy you get when you swallow the food and step it down with cold water, afterwards you rest for the day 😃

 2 years ago  

You are on the right track.😇😇

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Thank you @hivebuzz

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 2 years ago  

you can explain right down to the process, very nice!

 2 years ago  

Thanks man...

 2 years ago  

Pounded yam goes 💯 percent with vegetables. I love the images and the process, nice one.

 2 years ago  

Thanks man

It is a popular dish is pounded yam. How often do you eat it?

 2 years ago  

The process is stressful all because of the pounding so I eat it once in a while

Ah yes the pounding is not fun, could you mash them like we do with potatoes?

 2 years ago  

Yeah that another one.
But Pounding has just been the way

oh well enjoy it the next time you have it :)

Wow... Pounded yam and egusi soup. I don't often eat it because pounding the yam can be so stressful and no one to do it.
So when I want to, I do it at a restaurant.
It is always a delicious combo.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Yeah me too the food can be so stressful.
But it always worth the stress