Flower photography

in Hive Learners3 years ago (edited)

Assalamu Alaikum

I hope you are all well and I am well. Today I will share a picture of a flower with you. I hope you like my picture of this flower.



DeviceRedmi Note 10
LocationParvati Pur, Lamp Hospital

This is a picture of a jaba flower. It looks so beautiful to me. I saw this picture in a garden inside Lamp Hospital. Then I took a picture of that flower. I shared it with you.

Thanks everyone

Cc: @bdvoter

 3 years ago (edited) 

Hello @imran15. The flower's photo you shared is looking good. But we try to avoid a post with only one photo & little description while curating. Please follow our Rules & Guidelines.

And please don't mention any curator's account while posting. This won't help you to get upvotes.

Thank You.

 3 years ago  

Ok breather