Crafting Layers of Flavour: Lasagna recipe

in Hive Learners2 months ago (edited)

Helloww fellow bloggers..!! ^_^

How you people doing :)

I hope you're all doing well and enjoying good health…

As for me, I'm doing fine too. However, today was quite hectic for me because I spent the entire day in the kitchen. This was because I decided to make lasagna upon the insistence of my sisters. It took me around 3 to 4 hours to prepare it. But this dish is highly loved in our house, especially since it's my favorite, so I decided to take on this daunting task. Now, I'll share the recipe with all.


Following are the ingredients for preparing Red Meat.

Lasagna strips

Minced meat🥩

Finely chopped Tomatoes🍅

Tomato paste

Garlic paste 🧄

Chopped onions🧅

Red Chilli

Now coming towards the ingredients of White Sauce

White flour
Red chilli flakes
Black pepper
White pepper

Here also comes the garnished Cheese🧈

Here we are done with ingredients. Now come towards the lengthy procedure.


Boiling Lasagna Strips

At first i boiled the strips by placing them very carefully and solely into boiling water with addition if oil and salt in it.

Once they get boiled, i took a spacious tray and grease it with oil and then place strips on it separately, so that strips doesn’t stick with tray.

Preparing Red Meat

First, I took a large pot and added cooking oil to it. Then, I added garlic paste and chopped onions. I cooked them until they turned light brown in color.

Then, I added minced meat and cooked it until the color of the meat changed.

After that, I added tomato paste and chopped tomatoes.

I mixed everything well and added salt and red chili powder according to taste. Then, it was time for oregano.

I added 2 glasses of water to it and covered the mixture to cook over low heat.

After some time, when I lifted the lid, a significant amount of water had been absorbed, but I needed to cook it until it was fully dry.Once it get dry i removed it from the stove.

Now Red Meat procedure is over.

Preparing White Sauce

For the white sauce, I took a significant amount of butter in a pot and melted it.

Then, I added white flour to it.

After mixing these two ingredients well, I added milk and whisked it thoroughly.

After that, I added spices such as white pepper, black pepper, and red chili flakes.Then, I added salt to it.

I cooked it well until it became thick. Once it thickened, I removed it from the stove and set it aside.

Layering of Strips with Prepared Mixture

Now it was time for layering. First, I took lasagna strips and layered them with white sauce.

After the layer of white sauce, I added the red meat mixture.

Then it was time for cheese. I had two types of garnished cheese, and I added both to it.

Then I followed the same procedure for the second layer.

And the third layer too.

Here is the final look of the layered strips.


Now it was time for baking. I took a glass bowl and greased it with oil.

Then, I placed the lasagna strips in it for baking.

It took about 5 minutes for the cheese to melt properly.

Believe you me, this lasagna is incredibly delicious and irresistable.🤩😋

I am having its bite over bite while writing this blog and i bet I am not gonna come over its taste for days.

Thank you for your precious time💗.

Meet you on next blog.

Take care.


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 2 months ago  

We usually don't make anything special on Sundays because it's a day we spend taking a break. But since I joined Hive, I've realized that people cook delicious food on Sundays....😂
This recipe is looking delicious, am I allowed to mention my address here so you can parcel me this😆😆

Yeah sure but next time😆😆it's finished now..!!

 2 months ago  

😭😭thora sa bhi nhi chora


 2 months ago  


 2 months ago  

Waoh! This is delicious @inshalicious . Its a patience meal 🥘 indeed since it takes time to prepare.

But its worth the time spent. Thanks for sharing with us. Happy Creative Sunday.

Yes it worth the time cosumed by it .it is so delicious.

 2 months ago  

Lovely and tasty 😋.

It looks like it took a lot of time to make them. But the result looks delicious. Agli dfa Daby MN Dal k lay ana aik do university mn, Acha!

Hn hn sure 😆💗

Cheers @inshalicious looks delicious, thanks for sharing!


It looks too yummy.
I will also follow this recipe to make it.
Thanks for sharing!