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RE: Recalling the memories and Learnings about Ramadan

in Hive Learnerslast year

only I was there to taste the spice and sugar level of food.

Reading this I was remembering my childhood times also. I also used to check the sugar level of juice and most of time I answered everything was okay although I wasn't sure my opinion was right or wrong.

Which time the responsibility us increase automatically and we have grown up already and we have a lot of thing to do because of our responsibility.

Ramdan come to us with blessings and we should try our best to make the best use of the precious time .

 last year  

Hahaha you know Intishar now kids don't give opinions , their taste buds are not modified for desi foods so I don't ask for their statement either haha. Still our duties are less imagine when we have to enter that practical life when we will be discussing inflation, earnings and savings topics arghh. It's good to enjoy the current phase , 💕 have a Blessed day 💕