Greetings everyone,
By now, I am sure most of us are familiar with the term AI (Artificial Intelligence), since it has taken the world by storm in recent months with the inception of Open AI. But this is not the first of its kind as
AI has been in use for quite some time now.
When you log onto twitter or YouTube and see topics you are interested in, how do think the computer figured it out? Or when you enter your favorite search engine and start receiving familiar suggestions? What of when you start receiving suggested words when typing?
Truth is, we have been using artificial intelligence algorithms and models for quite a number of years now without really inquiring about them. However, since the initiation of interactive AI platforms such as ChatGPT, Jasper Chat, Chat Sonic, they have gained massive traction and some concerns amongst many individuals.
On one hand there are many people including me, who see the benefits of artificial intelligence as they are very efficient in problem solving, time saving and can compute vasts amounts of data in a short span of time.
On the other hand, there are some major disadvantages that have emerged as a result of this. The most popular of these challenges is our inability to verify the authenticity of an "experts" work. AI platforms which have been trained with a vast amount of data have now become endowed with knowledge in many subjects if not all. Thus, it very easy for a smartass to portray himself as an expert on a matter which has been lifted from one of these platforms.
Another major cause for worry for most people is that now that AI is capable of doing tasks which formerly required full time employees at a fsster pace, what would now happen to those roles?
Are there any solutions for these challenges?
How Then Do We Cope With AI?
In any institution, oversight is of the utmost importance. Which means that no matter how efficient a computer is capable of performing, it does not beat the instinct of a human being, nor can it take some critical decisions learnt from years of experience.
Hence to answer the question of whether or not AI is going to replace humans in the workforce? No, at least not entirely.
A computer is only reliant on the data it has received cannot go beyond the boundaries of its programming. Thus, it is up to the individual to see to it that the right data is fed to it and that it is running as expected.
A typical AI algorithm that has been operating for quite some time now is autopilot. It is integrated into the operating system of aircrafts and is capable of flying aircraft where necessary. However, you don't see aircrafts without pilots in flight, do you?
Similarly, car companies like tesla have incorporated the autopilot technology in their vehicles making them partly autonomous. This also doesn't mean that you can simply set it on course and then fall asleep, but there is the need for a driver's supervision at all times.
Even aircrafts like drones which are unmanned require human control and oversight in order to ensure that it stays on course while performing its assigned tasks.
In a way, it seems we are already coping quite well with AI since we have found a way to blend the human labor force together with the power of artificial intelligence.
And now that AI is getting incorporated with almost everything including healthcare, finances, education, travel, management, and many more, expertise in those fields are going to be in limited but high demand.
Learn A Programming Language.
With the current pace of the technological industry, we must position ourselves such that we can always prove useful in our various sectors. This means that aside from knowing your stuff in whatever endeavor you might find yourself, add an element of programming to it.
The job market is a competitive space for us all. Thus, you must always set yourself apart from the lots. That is the only way through which you can have an edge above many individuals seeking similar roles as you.
This is why every individual must make an effort to learn at least one programming language. That is how you set yourself apart from the many people out there seeking employment. There are many of them out there but languages such as python, JavaScript
and CSS
are quiet easy to learn so it shouldn't be too difficult.
The world is peaking in technology and sooner or later we would all have to embrace it as part of our lives. It would be best if we position ourselves such that we will always have the requisite skillset when called upon at all times.
Thank you for your attention.
AI replacing humans?
Bro, we are getting there and you know what? Most organization will cut of employees and push work to AI because it's going to be advantageous to them in terms of finance saving.
Yes, there is no doubt jobs will be lost. That is why we need to put ourselves at an advantageous position through the acquisition of newer skills.
You highlighted the importance of human oversight and adapting our skillsets to stay relevant. Learning a programming language is a practical suggestion to remain competitive in the job market.
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It is certainly an important addition to human skills which will be quite useful.