in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

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It was a very wonderful night, the night of the election, we were all seated at the Apollo, me my wife and my children I didn't want any party member to steal that moment away from me it was going to be one I would spend and cherish with my family because in the next few minutes I will be announced as the winner of the presidential election and become not just our father to my children or a husband to my wife but also a leader of a country and this country is Nigeria but for a Day.

For over 20 years I have given the best that I can to improve this nation despite the political brouhaha and economic sanguinity that had dazzled the country for far too long. The politics was said to be dirty and that Christians dont thrive in it they discouraged me and tore me down for even attempting to run for presidency. A lot of people thought it was impossible to get there and some even tried to stop me physically. Of course becoming a president for one day was not something I was hoping for I have thought that I will be running for 4 years. But as it is required to finish to be a magician and change the course of the country in one day this is what I think I'll be able to do.

I will enjoy myself.

This is the truth being a president for one day, it's just tourism it's just me going around the rooms and understanding or realizing the things I don't know. Rome was not built in a day and so my presidency cannot do anything in one day however I have good plans for this country if I'm the guy, and become president.

I will want to tackle the problem of unemployment which has become a thorn in the flesh, A few people think unemployment is a bit too kind to call it because it has become mass unemployment where a huge population of able youth being turned out of the schools yearly are really pushed out there to join the mass with no hope for future or means of income. Although I encourage that youths should be productive and creative in their own ways, I see no reason why the economy state should not create necessary labour as well as remuneration of labour for them. There shall be a portal of government jobs available and the number of people who want to apply for that job in the quota should be properly displayed with the necessary requirements also made known to everyone and to work towards because we do not want people who do not qualified for the job that we are offering. No leg, no neck, just you are your qualifications.


We shall bring to an end the pain of poor electricity and power supply to every corner all the country by channeling our force to begin to research into natural and renewable energy that can power the nation even for a longer time and with less cost over time. Developed countries will be invited into Nigeria to work here and invest here and to build these resource for us here not that we would have the resources here and we will not export it outside the country for it to be refined and sold back to us. No that's not gonna be happening anymore because we know that our resources are more than the refined products that we get back.

I will stir up an agricultural interest in everyone not just to use but even the elderly you can farm and I will create access to resources such as loans in materials that people can use to start up amines of subsistence farming and create a meaningful profit from them our land in Nigeria is blessed even if a seed falls on a main road it can germinate and bring food but we do not see these blessings, we are only looking at the blessings of other nations and wanting to go there to drive taxis.

Lastly I would look into the brain drain issue of the Nation,they are not only draining the brain we are also squashing the ones that choose to remain.
And this is why more of them see it as an escape route running out of the situation of our nation.

But if I must tell you the truth the brain drain is part of the reasons why we are looking for leaders who can govern the affairs of this country. The continuity of good leadership is devoid of a future because those who ought to do it have run away, so old men line up.

The future of a nation is never secure when brain drain is it a problem ordinations are harvesting our brains and using them until they're old and then they return them back to Nigeria when they have spent the best of their lives out there and all this I happened because they could be better and they had better resources and promised better life.


My Presidency will soon end, so I better be going, since it's just a day I have, I ll rather start doing and stop talking.. or perhaps that's all we need to do, we talk much and so too little, we should probably do much and talk little.

Thanks for Reading my post.


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 2 years ago  

Yes me President!!

You've said it all as sweetly as a politician should. This country is faced with a lot of problems and they're too much to even solve in one day but you have pointed out some of the most important ones and it'll be great if they were really looked into.
If we had a president that was this insightful, the situation of this country would change a great deal..

Great post !!!.

 2 years ago  

I go make you senator. Hhhhee
Except if you sef go like taste the seat. Lol

Thanks for the sweet comment bro

 2 years ago  

😂😂😂..who wouldn't want to taste the seat na..but since you're already there, I'll settle for senator jare, I'll still hold some power.

You're welcome bro ❤️

 2 years ago  

You want to enjoy yourself ni uncle President, carry me along oh.

 2 years ago  

I loved the renewal in the agricultural sector of the country
It has been very much underrated
It is lovely to see the vast solution you can offer as my President
It would be interesting to vote for you at the polls

 2 years ago  

Thanks chief.
I know we can make Nigeria great again.. lol

If there is one thing I have noticed from this beautiful topic we are treating, it is that we have a lot of president materials here. People who have great ideas that will push this country to a better place.
I am happy about this.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Great.. I m glad you saw this too, now imagine what the brain drain has done, leaving us with old people ruling their way in..

 2 years ago  

What of me, please don't forget to assign a position for me too. I guess I will like the money part since we all want to enjoy ourselves 😜

 2 years ago  

Ehen naa

Na people wey show face we dey share am give..

If finance department still dey open you fit run am?

 2 years ago  

For sure I go run am well

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment