Favorite songs and I can't remember the lyrics...

in Hive Learners2 years ago


Overconfidence isn't a good thing, trust me. LoL
I decided to do a vlog telling you all about my three favorite songs. To be honest, these are songs that I always sing and I assume I've scored them well. Today, I realized that I am missing some lyrics, songs that I would always sing like it's nothing.

Anyway, do watch the video and see what overconfidence did to me LOL.

The artists I mentioned in the video are Ariana Grande, Jessie J, and John Legend.
I love these artists because of how their songs are composed. The truth is, there are many amazing musicians with amazing songs, however, for this topic, these are the three I would be talking about.

One of My favorite songs by Ariana Grande is "ONE LAST TIME"

This is a love song that talks about cheating and regret, however, when I watched the music video, it seemed different. It was like people were trying to get as far as possible from where they were because of an impending comet. However, they failed in trying to find a way to escape, so Ariana Grande got out of the car, moved past everyone to get to the rooftop where she could watch the beauty of the comet. She kissed her boyfriend at the end.

My second Favorite is a song by Jessie j, titled "FLASHLIGHT"

This song by Jessie J seems to be about someone who is always there for her in dark times. Well, it's an interesting song.

The third one is "ALL OF ME" by John legend.

I feel that this song tells what it means to be in love. You look beyond the flaws and give your all.

These are popular songs I'm sure most of us would know. In the video uploaded in this post, I sang some bit of the song, so do watch it.
Thank you.


Hehe I wish I had your self-confidence
Ok, maybe it gets in trouble sometimes LOL but trust me it can also get you out of some awkward situations.

This was a fun post I should thank our good friend dreemport for bringing me here haha

hahahaha look at you!!!! using dreemport today!?!??! :)

haha couldn't resist the temptation 😁

LOLOL well you just earned yourself some dreem tokens then hahahahaha

 2 years ago (edited) 

Errrrrrr, You have nice series of song here and i must say that you tried while singing..but in all, All of me by John Legend still remain my best in all, wish I'm in the camera to sing that with you... hehehehe.
Weldone ☺️

 2 years ago  

There are a lot of us who love "All of me".
It would be a pleasure to have you sing with me MaryJacy🙂😊

 2 years ago  

Wow, you did really well with the video, it's impressive 🤭🤭.

 2 years ago  

Thank you Hope🙂

 2 years ago  

You're welcome dear😘😘

 2 years ago  

Great Jessica, I love flashlight more

 2 years ago  

Why does it feel like you were in such a hurry? I feel like you forgot your lyrics because you weren't sure of yourself at the moment...

Your vlog is funny. Did you listen to it before publishing?

 2 years ago  

Your vlog is funny. Did you listen to it before publishing?

I did, LOL
I found it funny too, each time I watched it, I laugh out loud, I'm glad someone else sees the humor in the vlog hehe.

Why does it feel like you were in such a hurry?

I made some parts of the video play fast intentionally. The settings were done through the settings in my video editor.

I feel like you forgot your lyrics

You're not wrong, I forgot some words in the lyrics.

That's one reason I stated this in my post.

Overconfidence isn't a good thing, trust me. LoL
I decided to do a vlog telling you all about my three favorite songs. To be honest, these are songs that I always sing and I assume I've scored them well. Today, I realized that I am missing some lyrics, songs that I would always sing like it's nothing.

Anyway, do watch the video and see what overconfidence did to me LOL.

 2 years ago  

I love these songs too, especially flashlight.

Um, seemed like a little fast @jessicaossom, did you have one or three cups of coffee? lol!!!
All good songs, very pretty voice.
This post was obtained through Dreemport.

 2 years ago  

Hahaha....no, I did not have any coffee, I intentionally made the settings of some parts of the video fast and I also intentionally skipped some parts of the song while was singing🙂

Thanks for stopping by.

Good music, good singing.
But why did you make the singing part so fast na? I was not able to enjoy it😥
Anyway, this is indeed a beautiful entry. Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Eeyah, sorry.
I will try to master the lyrics and would do a video for each song.
Just to compensate for this video, hehe.

I didn't plan to do a full video anyways, the idea was to just singing the beginning of each of the song😁

 2 years ago  

Yeah, you're right.
It's old but still sounds fresh.