If I had one wish to make that would come through.|| Edition 2.

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

I find the topic of edition 2 almost the same as edition 1, however, the difference is that we are not exclusively talking about adult life.

The topic goes thus;
If you had one wish to make and that wish would come true, what would it be?

My wish.

I would wish that God reverses the curse/punishment he placed on Adam & Eve.
In my own words, I will quote what the Bible says about those who would not work. "Let those who won't go out to work not eat".

Initially, I would have wished that humans should be able to have an abundance of money even though they don't work, but I thought about it that money may be used anyhow and we probably may not know the value of money and God may not feel pleased with it. So I remembered that the reason why men have to suffer today before they have what to eat is because of the curse God placed on them and every woman has to go through the pain of labor to birth a child.

Humorously, I was saying that God should have told Adam & Eve that they should kneel or do some other physical punishment then forgive them later and probably erase their memories so they won't remember what they had done and finally, get rid of the serpent so it won't come to deceive them again.


Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if Adam & Eve were not cursed or punished?

Probably if the serpent had been destroyed with the memories of Adam and Eve erased, perhaps everything would go back to the way it was, then God would later decide to permit them to have sexual intercourse so that the earth would be replenished just like it is today, the only difference would be that man won't have to toil the ground before he eats and women would not go through so much pain in other to birth a child.

Have you ever imagined this?

I'm sure you must have been curious to know why that was my wish and I believe that with what you've read so far, you understand to an extent.

Let's assume that we are currently living in a world where Adam & Eve were never cursed and the serpent was destroyed, I think life would be much easier to live and there would be no evil on earth.

Ron Lac

Why I think evil is present on earth today.

Do you know that a lot of people are still being deceived by that same devil that deceived Eve back then?

The devil was once called Lucifer, the bright morning star who was a beautiful angel and had a melodious voice in heaven. He became boastful about what he possessed and started envying the throne of God. He wanted to bring God down forgetting that God is the alpha and omega. He wanted to be God, so he deceived some other angels who followed him. When God saw this, I'm sure there must have been a battle in heaven, and to show his supremacy, he cast Lucifer down to the earth and took away all that made him a beautiful angel in heaven. Lucifer has become the devil today and other angels who fell with him are the demons.

I understand that we can't question God, no one can and some mysteries are better left the way they are. However, have you ever asked yourself why God didn't just destroy Lucifer and the angels that fell with him so that they stop existing instead of making them wander freely on the earth?

I've come to understand that anywhere the devil is, there would be a disaster. Imagine you are in the midst of a group of people where one person's thought has been poisoned by the devil, it takes God's grace to let the thought of others not get poisoned and that is why it is known that the devil is here to kill, steal and destroy. A lot of the bad things happening today are because of the devil who has corrupted the hearts of many. Only those who guard the fear of God in their hearts are safe and they are the only ones with wisdom because the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

Still on the topic of my One Wish.

If God reverses the curse, man may need not to suffer again like we are now and women won't go through pains to give birth and that automatically means that the devil would be destroyed.

If the devil is destroyed, the hearts of man would be free of deception and man would live an easy and happy life that would be pleasing to God.

Although it seems like God wants every man to be judged after rapture before the earth is destroyed then a new one begins without the devil just like the one I'm wishing for.

Don't you think so too?


Also published here

 2 years ago  

By doing that we go back to the initial plan, which makes alot of sense that's really beautiful

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 2 years ago  

Great wishe 💖
God please full fill her wish 🤗

This is a tall wish, I guess only God knows why he did not just restart the universe the moment Adam and Eve sinned...
I probably would not have to work so hard as an adult😊
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

If God had forgiven Adam and Eve, we won't be struggling with challenges we have today, Jessica you are a brain, I wonder why I didn't think of it like this.
Thanks for the detailed article.

 2 years ago  

Thank you for reading and thanks for the compliment.

you are a brain

 2 years ago  

An outstanding wish, you wish is generally helping the whole universe.

Although it seems like God wants every man to be judged after rapture before the earth is destroyed then a new one begins without the devil just like the one I'm wishing for.

Your statement here is according to the bible (revelation), but what I know and believe is that God does whatever he want the way he want and anytime he want.

 2 years ago  

Yeah, God does whatever he wants, he is indeed an unquestionable God.

 2 years ago  

Please I like to participate in this, what community has this challenge?. Again you wrote well. Sometimes, I also think of us having plenty without stressing ourselves but I also discard it cos that will encourage laziness. As per what you said about Adam and Eve and God's forgiveness, you have a point but my own opinion is that the Devil challenged God. He told them if they eat the fruit, they won't die. Somehow, teaching them independence from God, suggesting that man can be alright without God. God cannot just allow that to slide under the carpet. Let things flow and let's see if Devil can prove his claim. Uptil now, he has failed, independence from God hasn't brought man any good, besides Adam and Eve died. But while not going too spiritual on this, I like to remind you that God made plan already. His son has washed away our sins. Soon, we will live in that perfect world you are dreaming of.

Hehehe. God couldn't destroy lucifer because Lucifer is a spirit. I'm sure your Bible has told you that the spirit doesn't die. So he could only punish.

Second, the devil's destruction would not bring about Man's redemption. When man was made out of clay, he became alive at the breath of the Almighty. However, the moment he sinned was not only when he listened to his wife. Sin came to existence when Adam Blamed his wife instead of asking for forgiveness. First sin, Pride. The devil didn't blame anyone because he understood this principle. Which is why they werr thrown out and we were made to suffer for it.

Since the first man and woman already had knowledge and understanding, do you think they didn't know that they should apologize? They did. But they were proud and took God's presence for granted. This is why in the new testament you're warned not to grieve the Holy Spirit.

As for going back to the way things were, that would be good I guess. But we'd still be restricted and mysteries wouldn't be brought to light.


 2 years ago  

that the spirit doesn't die. So he could only punish.

Oh, I see.

Well, spirits can be destroyed, or is that only possible in movies🤔

They did. But they were proud and took God's presence for granted. This is why in the new testament you're warned not to grieve the Holy Spirit.

Hmm, great insight, you must be a very good bible student which is awesome.

But we'd still be restricted and mysteries wouldn't be brought to light.

I agree, with all you've explained, I understand the restrictions you are referring to and truly, mysteries wouldn't be brought to light.

Thank you Deraa!🙂

Well, spirits can be destroyed, or is that only possible in movies🤔

Na for film ooo🤣... They can't die. Which is why hell is there. Eternal punishment.

Bible student??? Lol. It's all just the help of the Holy Spirit 😅

 2 years ago  

Na for film ooo🤣... They can't die. Which is why hell is there. Eternal punishment.

😅 oh, I see.

help of the Holy Spirit 😅


 2 years ago  

Wouldn't be sure id want that because there would be a bit of restriction and life wouldn't have been the same.

 2 years ago  

A bit of restriction??
Restriction in what aspect?

I agree with you when you say life wouldn't be the same, it certainly won't.

 2 years ago  

Well we would have been in a garden and the grace that covers now wouldn't be available, there wouldn't also be technology.

 2 years ago  

there wouldn't also be technology.

This made me laugh hehehe.

You've made a point which makes sense🙂

 2 years ago  

Maybe we would be have cared though because what you don't know cant hurt but it might have been boring

 2 years ago  

Hi @jessicaossom, how are you? Hey, I see that you are very clear in your desire and you expressed it very well. But what you say surprises me a lot, then the culprit of the suffering that exists is God. Wouldn't it be better to ask that Adam and Eve had not sinned? You have at least one child, who I hope is in better health, I also have a son and as parents we expect our children to be obedient to those we ask of them. As loving parents we do not ask them for something that they cannot do. Normally the rules and what we ask for is in your best interest.

God has been a loving father, before forming Adam and Eve, like every loving father, he arranged his dwelling place as beautifully as possible, dressed it with vegetation, water that they could drink, animals of all kinds and lights of day and night. Then he formed the man and so that he would not be there he only gave him his companion. He gave them all kinds of trees that they could eat to their satisfaction just by stretching out their hand. Only one thing he asked them, not to eat from a single tree, and he also told them what would happen if they ate from it: ** "positively they will die" **. Then this other character enters the scene, who despite being a son of God, wanted what rightfully belonged to God. Then he said that God was a liar, that if they ate from the tree they would not die, so Eva preferred to believe this new character,(Genesis 3:1-6)

That makes me think how there are so many cases of parents who love their children, many of whom instill good principles in them, but they do not follow the advice, perhaps they look for bad company despite the warnings of their parents, they get into bad habits and when they do terrible things that may lead them to jail, two types of parents come into play here, those who support them and accompany them in the process may seek the best defense for them and do not abandon them despite their actions, but there are the other parents , who try to buy justice, eliminate evidence, so that their son who has committed a serious crime, perhaps a murder or something terrible, goes free, without any consequences. The son feels happy and the parents too. And the parents allow him to continue with his life.

What do you think will become of the lives of those children, of the one who faced the process accompanied by their parents as the one who came out exempt from everything. We have many cases of this and reality confirms that it is more likely that the one who faces the consequences of their actions will learn a lesson and perhaps change, while the one who is freed or exempted on each occasion does not feel any remorse, and will do it again once. and again confident that justice cannot with him. Many times we are the parents responsible for that happening.

Also remember something, there were many other angels watching what was happening there, if God eliminates this evil character, what would the other angels think that God was right or was it the devil and that is why God eliminates him? He also told Adam and Eve that if they ate from the tree, they would die, so God would not fulfill his promise, that is, the other creatures could do what they wanted without reaping any consequences.

But God's will has always been that people live forever on earth turned into a paradise and that has not changed and immediately he arranged the means by which his purpose would be fulfilled (Genesis 3:15). It may take time but it will indeed be fulfilled. And in the scriptures we can find all that information and know how he will do it. And like a loving father he has not left us alone in the process 😉.

 2 years ago  

I love how you explained this using a child and his parent. It makes sense though.

God loves his creation, however, disobedience led to the punishment. This is just to make everyone understands what the gravity of disobedience can be and it isn't right to let one not faces the consequences of disobedience.

Even though God punishment Adam and Eve and it's affecting us today, God is still with us in it. He won't let us be tempted above that which we can bear.

This is an excellent opinion from you ma'am.

 2 years ago  

And the best is yet to come my friend 😉

Humorously, I was saying that God should have told Adam & Eve that they should kneel or do some other physical punishment then forgive them later and probably erase their memories so they won't remember what they had done and finally, get rid of the serpent so it won't come to deceive them again.

I guess when we get to heaven, we'll ask God why he never thought of this. Why he had to go ahead and punish humanity.

However, I think he planned to save us all, and that's why he sent his Son to die for all our sins. This probably was the only way out in the situation. To sacrifice the divine lamb of God who had no blemish for all our iniquities. And what we all need to be saved, is only to believe that Jesus came to the cross, and laid down his life for us. 🥺

 2 years ago  

Well, the ways of God aren't the ways of men.
...and he can't be questioned so we just trust him and believe his words which tells us that he has the best plan for us so we might have an expected end.

That's true. He is a loving father and he has the best intentions towards us. 💚