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RE: Self Denial, A Major Price For Success

in Hive Learners11 months ago

Self denial is a special pill for survival, there is no man that has ever succeeded in life without sacrificing something

True, I just started school, and studying feels new to me.
However, I know I have to read in order to pass my exams, and that's why I have to deny myself of morning sleep.
Not quite a long ago, I went to the mart to get coffee, and I already created a group with two other students so we could read. We plan to study from 3 to 5 a.m. every morning. I just pray that God helps us even as we are willing to help ourselves.

It's good that you noticed your weakness and worked on it.

#dreemerforlife #dreemport

 11 months ago  

There is no price that is too big to be paid for success.. it might be so inconveniencing but it's momentary, please endure and pay it once and for all

Thanks for this beautiful piece, I really enjoyed it... 🥰❤️