Another Silent Slant Faced Grasshoppers Photograpy:

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hello everyone,

This is my 2nd post after giving my introduction to HIVE LEARNERS.

There are different species of animals in the world. Some of them are very beautiful to look at.

Yesterday i saw these Silent Slant Faced Grasshoppers survive. The insect looked very nice. It's like any other grasshopper. Grasshoppers were giving me big jumps as soon as they saw me.

I mean, it just wants to run away from me. I hold it in my hand. The condition in my hand also wanted to escape it

I do some photography with my hands for a while.






I really like it, i hope you like it too.
I took these pictures with camera macro lens and Symphony Z28 mobile camera.
All will be well.
Thanks everyone.

 2 years ago  

Nice photography.