After a long time I ate my favorite food

in Hive Learners3 years ago

First of all, it's not cooked in my house. I went to visit one of my cousins' house, this is when the cooking was done and I ate hilsa fish a long time later. Besides, I like to eat hilsa fish. But I can't buy it at the moment because it's too expensive now.

However, mustard hilsa was cooked at his cousin's house that day. And this hilsa has been cooked with mustard. Basically, all the ingredients are kept in order, smeared with extra mustard and then covered with pumpkin leaves, it is cooked well and this is how the recipe is cooked.I think people of my own race love this recipe. Because it is very tasty and fun to eat.
In fact, I suddenly to my cousin's house that day and ate a recipe that I liked and since I ate it after a long time, an extra interest was working. I had a good moment inside myself that day.