Career Trajectory and Relevance

in Hive Learnerslast month
Barely two decades ago, an instructor in my high school asked everyone in class what we all wanted to be in the future, and because my colleagues mentioned careers such as lawyers and engineers, I stated my desire to be a medical doctor, even though I did not really mean this.


Yes, there was a department like the guidance and counseling department (G&C) while I was in high school, but I can barely remember if they took us on career paths. Anyways, I believe the future of careers lies in their foundation, and this spotlight is often discovered, guided, guarded, nurtured, and encouraged both by the teachers in school and the parents at home. Of course, this is different from tailoring a child to their selfish or personal choice of career, but allowing the child to explore and, through their weaknesses and strengths, navigate to a career the child would be proud and passionate about.



Tope was my friend in freshman year, and I just could not find the right words to describe her situation. She had a yellow complexion and was very beautiful. She applied to the university to study accounting, but she was offered Yoruba as a course of study. She had limited choice as she had stayed home long enough before even getting the index course she was given. Thus, the trajectory of her career path was grossly disrupted, and unfortunately, like Tope, there is little that can be done. Someone once said that you don't choose a career path in Nigeria; rather, the country chooses and decides your career path.

And also, we have the few people that graduate as professionals and take up job opportunities in different fields, which were either learned after school or through an adoption training exercise, as seen in banks. Two of my school daughters, who studied physiology and agricultural science, respectively, are working in the banking industry. Thus, right after graduation from a professional course, it is still possible to make a career change.

And finally, we have a few people who start with a career trajectory and yet end up as professionals practicing their courses of study. Not many in this category, especially in Nigeria, but then, other than engineering, lawyers, and doctors as professional courses, almost every other course can be learned in matters of weeks, months, or a few years, sometimes as a diploma course. My older brother has shown interest in taking the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) course. I believe he is not alone in that; my friend's wife, who studied physiology and is now an executive in the bank industry, has just recently taken the ICAN examination. Thus, there is every possibility of a career shift or drift, as the case may be.


Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to threaten the security of jobs and careers by providing alternative and cheap means to an end. Science and technology engage in research to make life and living easier for humanity, but the race remains threatened as jobs become more and more redundant.

Right before the fame of AI, the practice of medicine has never encouraged the consultation of the internet by patients, as it is believed that every Tom, Dick, and Harry could make posts on the internet to oftentimes cause damaging fears to troubled patients. Yet, we see telemedicine advancing quite well, as well as robotic medicines that could carry out surgeries. However, the health of man and the practice of medicine go beyond cut and stitch or the use of drugs; they also hinge on empathy.


The practice of medicine dates back to Hippocrates and hinges on the signs and symptoms to plan a course of treatment for the sick individual. AI is an advanced technology also seen in medicine, but it would not be able to completely override the need for human relevance in the prevention of disease, promotion of health, treatments, and rehabilitative measures.

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