My Last 24 hours

in Hive Learners8 months ago

one thing I did....that's designing, that's what I do most times, lol. Creating realistic works with my PC, building projects and solving user's problems.

Like I said earlier this is what I do most times, helping users achieve their goal by utilizing my design skills and implementing unique design principles to make work and task effortless for the users. That's the goal of every product user, to be stress free while using a product and that's what we (products designers) do, and I tell you it's so fun and draining at the same time😐😵.
[Image from gallery]
Well as seen I'm still working on it and this project and it's a plant app. A plant app were users could easily navigate through and learn more about plant, not just that it's also a app were experts in planting can help newbies in the field, a app were users will be directed and reminded daily on their plant and will be given the right advises on what to do daily. So you see, it's a whole lot🤣😫. Maybe this is why my head feels too heavy. It's pretty much and fun though, will have to get the pain point and desires of the users, then do some research regarding their needs, create ideas to solve the problem and then bring the ideas to life (which is designing) before testing the designs, like it a whole lot of wonderful works😁😊 but really stressful.
[Image from gallery]

This is supposed to be the homepage and as you can see it's still under construction and if I am to be honest with my self I'll say this past few days have not be daying to me sha😅 like it hasn't been so productive and I am to be blame for that, I think stopping design for a while is actually affecting me pretty bad!! Yes there are bad and good day, there are days when one won't be productive but mehnn,this one is different, apart from not been so productive I'm also failing to discipline myself as I should, Spending unnecessary time on unnecessary stuffs. Most times I really feel bad as I know I am waisting my time on irrelevant stuffs like scrolling through social medias knowing fully well that I have much more important things I should be investing my time in.

But in all I think the problem is cause I analyze too much though, lol. Looking for perfection as always, wanting to design a product were I can proudly look at on daily basis ignoring the fact that I have to meet the user's need first. Nevertheless I'll try and get this done as soon as I can, I have to even when I feel like literally taking a whole week off.

And this is it, what I did last with my last hours and also what I'll be doing in the next hours as well😅. Gat to get back to work, need the bag 💎 its fun doing what you love though and I hope to see what you did as well,got to go now and thanks for reading my blog...see ya all next Time👋

 8 months ago  

It is good and productive work you are doing. Plantation is much needed to reduce pollution and save our world. My Garden application will be constructed soon, keep up the good work mate.

Yea, we need to save the world.

Wait, garden plant? You a designer or??