Navigating Parenthood: Helping Your Child Find Their Own Path

in Hive Learners25 days ago

When it comes to discussing random things, Joy is my go-to person. There's something special about her that I can't seem to wrap my head around. She's filled with wit, and her take on matters is out of this world. Discussing with her has perks and pitfalls. One of the perks is that we learn new things from each other, and the only disadvantage is that we mostly argue before we arrive at a point. We often have contrasting opinions, which makes us raise our voices at each other. On one beautiful day, Joy sent me a message on WhatsApp that read: "What kind of parent would you make? Do you think you'd make a great parent?"

At that time, I was in the kitchen washing plates while listening to one of Alec Benjamin’s song. Joy’s messge popped up in my notification bar but the message didn’t fully display. I was so curious about what it entailed. After I finished washing the plates, I quickly wiped my hands, turned on my phone and navigated to WhatsApp. “What kind of parent would I make.” I thought to myself. Just when I was about to start writing my reply, I discovered that my head was blank. I thought I could answer the question easily, but the answer was somewhere locked in my head. Who could’ve thought I wouldn’t be able to answer such question directly.

I have always admired the idea of being a parent. It is something I think about a lot. Of course, everything will happen when the right time comes. And I believe when the right time comes, it’ll be an amazing experience.I fathom the idea of taking care of little beings who I call my own. I imagine building a sweet family with my partner. Oh! Such wonderful bliss. I’d make a very good parent, that’s for sure. One of the reasons why I’m certain that I would make a very good parent/father is because I grew in a proper family. I can beat my chest anywhere and say I grew up in the right family. Although it wasn't perfect, my parents made sure to bring me up the right way.

I am still a young adult, however, with my experience in life, the books and news I’ve read. I've also talked to married couples of different age groups, and they've shared their experiences with me. I understand that building a healthy family isn’t an easy feat. Building a healthy family requires a whole lot of effort, understanding and patience, and if you’re not careful, you’ll end up taking the wrong steps. One of the sweetest rewards of marriage is having kids; cute tiny beings that resemble you and your partner. Raising a child isn’t an easy feat. It requires constant care and attention, from the moment they're born until they're ready to live on their own.

If your child were to grow up and decide to switch to a different way of life from the one your brought them up with, what would be your reaction? This is very good question. First off, no good parent would want to see their kids drift off s bad pattern. Sadly, even after numerous teachings, some kids are so bent on going astray. It is every parent’s nightmare to see their kid’s go astray.

If my child were to grow up and decide to switch to a different way of life, why would I do about it? I’ve thought so hard about this and I have concluded that it depends on what the child decides to do. For example, if I want him to study a particular course, and he refuses because his interest is in another course, I’d definitely be supportive. I’d definitely put my child’s happiness and interest above everything. However, if it's a more complicated aspect like religion, I can see how it would be a difficult decision to make. I think in that situation, I would still do everything I can to guide my child and help them find the right path. Honestly, I’m not sure what decision I’d make.

Note: Images used in this post are mine, otherwise stated.

Thanks for reading.

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 25 days ago  

Okay while I was reading this I realized that we are focused more on a child turning bad what about a child turning from bad to good? There are some cases where some parents miss the mark completely and some children as they grew older got to see the light and decided to change. Now as a good parent, you should be able to see the light in what your child is saying but if you don’t then that is also a problem.

I’m someone that always vision how I plan to bring up my kids and one of the first step is hoping God gives me the best man as a partner that would be ready to join me to bring up our kids not in our own knowledge but that of God’s knowledge because as humans our knowledge is limited. Children are not always wrong but it’s hard for some parents to accept that they made a mistake.

In the end, I hope God help us be good parents and if ever there be changes we should be able to correct our children in love and humility.

 24 days ago  

Whoa, Hope! This is beautiful.
Building a family/bringing up kids requires a lot of things. In my post, I mentioned patience, understanding and patience. But, one thing I didn't understand is a good partner. I hope and pray we end up with the right partners.

You are right, Hope. As a good parent, it's important to listen to children and try to understand their perspective.

Thanks for stopping by, Hopey.🌹


@hopestylist! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @justfavour. (1/5)

 24 days ago  

Yeah patience and understanding are very necessary but it gets easier with a good partner 🥰. Amen to your prayer 🤲.

You know it’s always! A pleasure stopping by and reading from you 🤗

 23 days ago  


 22 days ago  


I like the way started this article, although I believe you should improve your writing by focusing on the point details by giving sceneries of such dilemma. You did very well to be honest I will love to see more from you with virtual pictures of the subject matter. Thanks for sharing.

 23 days ago  

Thank you, sir.🙂

I know the kind of parent I'll be. I've known it since I was old enough to know myself. I'd be kind, I'd be supportive but I wouldn't fail to discipline them. I'd show them the right way in a loving way. I'd chide them in ways that would make them come back to ask my advice even though they know it's not something I'd like. I'd be everything I didn't really have to them. Honestly, I can't wait.

 24 days ago  

Aww, Cat. This is so cute.🌹 It is important to discipline kids, it is also important to find a balance when it comes to disciplining them. Being too strict can create distance between parents and children. It's crucial to discipline them in a loving and understanding way, while also maintaining a close and connected relationship.

On another note, cat, she came to me. I'd blocked her everywhere. She appeared to me in another world- Dreamland. I was so scared.

That's crazy. Your life has finally become like the movies. Cheers. Your very own stalker/psychopath. God abeg. I'm running to your DM now.

 23 days ago  

Hehe. My life is a movie now. Justfavour and the psycho stalker.🥲😂

Emphasizing happiness and genuine interest over preconceived expectations is certainly a modern and healthy approach to raising kids.

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 23 days ago  

Thank you.

 24 days ago  

I believe that an important phrase you mentioned is the question that building a healthy family is something that requires a lot of effort and especially patience and time, as it is a daily construction, which makes all the difference in total.

 23 days ago  

Hello there, friend. !roll winner back to back winner, here you are!
I'm glad you agree with me.
Thanks so much for stopping by.