Be creative!

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hello All of My Hivean Friends!

We do different things in each of our stages starting from daily life. Some work is simple but some work has to be creative. Creative work is needed to attract everyone or to make oneself famous. Which makes us all familiar. Moreover, at the present time, we have to differentiate each other from the others in a different way. Then we get extra benefits and we can stay ahead on the way forward.


image source: pixabay

Now is the era of competition. To survive in this age you have to be much smarter and more creative. Creativity is paramount in every organization or workplace or at any level. At present, the demand for creative people is the highest. When a person uses his creativity in his work, then that person is appreciated and accepted by all. And these people are in high demand everywhere and they are getting success in any endeavor.

The impact of creativity is much greater now, especially in the field of employment. At present, the demand for creative people in every private sector is very high. Every private job sector gives priority to creativity when hiring people. This is really much more important at the present time. Also creativity is a very admirable subject in all fields starting from studies.

When people look for smartness in other people, they also look for creativity in other people. Because now is the age of information technology and people are being updated. So people don't want to be backdated, they just want to innovate using their creativity. So the appreciation of creative work is universally accepted.

Giving such a real example. Creativity is also very important for those of us who are working on this hive platform. Because here we are constantly writing different types of content. Readers will be attracted if we can make our post visually appealing by applying creativity between different text or different images or different text in our content. And if the reader is attracted then we will benefit. Because then our writing and our hard work will be successful. Moreover, the reader will enjoy reading our content.

So in the present time, one has to be creative in order to develop oneself or even for one's own expertise. As a result, we will be able to keep pace with the times and achieve success in any endeavor very easily. Moreover, in order to make oneself famous in the world, one has to be creative. Which will make our work visually pleasing and increase the interest of the reader or anyone else in our work.

Thanks For Your reading and visiting

I am Md. Kawsar Hasan. I am Bangladeshi and proud to introduce myself as a Bangladeshi because I love my country so much. Because this is my motherland. I am engaged in the teaching profession. When I can teach my students something new, I have a different feeling. I also like to learn and do something new every day, I like to mingle with new people and like to learn something new. I always think of myself as a student of nature. Because we have a lot to learn from nature. I just try small to learn. I love to travel. A lot can be learned from nature through travel. Love to learn and write. I have been trying to write since I was a child and that is why I often fall behind in writing. I try to respect people. I think if you respect someone, your self-esteem does not decrease but increases.

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 2 years ago  

Creativity makes it possible to bring new from the old. It is responsible for all the innovatio . And change. It's a gift given by God, and those who utilize it stand shinning

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment