If we take care of our environment then it will take care of us too!

in Hive Learners2 years ago

If you go out on the road almost all the time, you can see that there is a lot of garbage around the road. From which many odors come out or there are substances that harm the environment. There is a lot of dirt in the road which makes it impossible to walk on the road. These give off a foul odor. Indigestible objects can also be seen on the side of the road. These problems are a common problem. At present we live a better life but our mentality has not improved. That is why many of us are involved in activities such as dumping various types of garbage on the roads or polluting the environment.

We throw all kinds of garbage around us whenever we get a chance. As a result, we make our healthy world sick. As a result, we also get sick from this sick world. And make the earth uninhabitable. Today we have many big cities in the world that are absolutely uninhabitable. The capital of our country Dhaka is one of them. Where the air is polluted and here lead and unique harmful particles have been found in the house.

image source

We look at some developed countries whose air quality is much healthier. As a result, the people of that country live a healthy life. The reason is that the people of that country are very much aware of environmental pollution. They live a very tidy life. They try not to pollute the environment and keep their surroundings clean. But honestly people in densely populated countries like ours are not aware of the point amount of air pollution. Rather it plays an important role in environmental pollution. Which is really embarrassing. Because if it continues like this, we will have to suffer the most from the harmful effects of environmental pollution.

The way we arrange our room or home. In the same way, this world or our environment should be organized. We should always make sure that the environment around us is not polluted by us. We have to work to prevent environmental pollution as much as possible. We need to make the people around us aware. Because keeping our world healthy means our well-being. Because from this environment we get all the elements of our survival. So let's keep ourselves healthy and keep our environment healthy.

Thanks For Your reading and visiting


I am Md. Kawsar Hasan. I am Bangladeshi and proud to introduce myself as a Bangladeshi because I love my country so much. Because this is my motherland. I am engaged in the teaching profession. When I can teach my students something new, I have a different feeling. I also like to learn and do something new every day, I like to mingle with new people and like to learn something new. I always think of myself as a student of nature. Because we have a lot to learn from nature. I just try small to learn. I love to travel. A lot can be learned from nature through travel. Love to learn and write. I have been trying to write since I was a child and that is why I often fall behind in writing. I try to respect people. I think if you respect someone, your self-esteem does not decrease but increases.

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 2 years ago  

Very good post, my brother. It is true that we must keep our environment clean and healthy.

 2 years ago  

Good writing bro and really garbage is very harmful for our health

 2 years ago  

We need to protect and preserve the environment. let the air be healthier

 2 years ago  

Yes. We need protect our environment collectively

 2 years ago  

Yes friends