in Hive Learners3 years ago

Good day my wonderful PeakD Family, it's always awesome to come across you all's post _ but because of the largeness of our community I have not been able to touch every post, but I promise to keep doing my best...

Because of the distress of people in my country I have always envisioned to be the President of Nigeria, Allot of our Leaders have failed us over and over again.


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And if I peradventure become the President of my country, I'll do so much... And this is not like the empty promises of our very Leaders



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You know that saying where they said "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again" well it applies to allot because this educational system has been in place for so many years and I can categorically tell you that it's no longer working... The days where they said go to school, read, get good grades and you are secured with a full time job, well that time is obsolete. Allot of people have failed to realize that we have been handed over a new world (WHERE SCHOOL ALONE IS NOT THE GUARANTEED ROUTE TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM) Allot changed over century

I'll employ the concept of The 21st Century business teachings... Where they'll focus on teaching on MINDSET maintenance and skills that will be beneficial for future purpose.



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This is one of the most important factor to consider in any area, light alone in an environment attracts people. Bring more development and usage
I've been to places where they use to have nothing until a particular company came and gave them light, guess what it didn't take up to 6months there was transformation and development. This alone also attracts company who will in turn bring development
I've heard a news sometime ago that our neighboring country GHANA Celebrated 10years of uninterrupted power supply. Just imagine what's it's going to be for allot of persons and the positive attention it's going to attract... I envy countries like America, France, Germany etc... Constant light up


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Just imagining Ukraine under war and there's still steady supply of light
A true Nigerian child knows the meaning of UP NEPA and the kind of joy that it brings. So one can tell what it will be for them if this light is there on a constant



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My country is at the verge of falling, that's if it hasn't fallen already ... The value of her currency keep losing everyday because of Leaders who have borrowed billions upon billions and we are not exporting anything valuable.
Bringing the dollar back to it's normal will cease so many things and will bring about newer development.

  • Things will be cheaper
  • People are not going to put more eyes on winning dollar by all cost
  • My country will be listed Among top countries
  • We will have the voice to speak in International ground and matters
  • Other countries can borrow from us rather than we borrowing all the time
  • And our unborn children will no longer be indepted to other unborn children

And I promise to do everything within my power to go after looters who have embezzled so much of our natural resources, I promise to put them to the right law. I would have done to them what I heard that China normally do to bad people in government SHRED THEIR SKIN AN USE THEM FOR CORNED BEEF, but I have human sympathy and love so I'll follow the law appropriately while dealing with them

All these are what King Stan promises to do if you vote me in, these are not the usual empty promises... And I promise I won't let you down 😇✊
I can change all these in a day


Thanks for coming thus far
It has always been my honor to inspire you all through my posts, and I hope you enjoyed it
Till next time, please stay safe
@khingstan Cares 🤴✌️

 3 years ago  

I'm sure if naira becomes equivalent to dollar, no one will leave Nigeria for else where

 3 years ago  

No one will leave At all... And That's how we will rebuild our country again ... Thanks for coming around 😇😇

 3 years ago  

Our country Nigeria, God help us, and you have a nice way if writing, I am learning gradually

 3 years ago  

God is sure going to see us through From the hands of these tyrants
Thanks for the compliment as well, we are all learning from each other
If possible we can connect so I'll see more of your posts

Thanks for coming around @khingstan Cares 🤴✌️

 3 years ago  

An entire election campaign. It is true that education is the basis of a good society and a better future. There are so many necessary things that are in the hands of the rulers that are often overshadowed by ambition, corruption and selfishness. Fortunately, nothing goes unnoticed by God, and just as He allows the test, He also provides the way out 😉.

 3 years ago  

These rulers don't give a fu** about any of us... All they know how to do is accumulating money their unborn children won't be able to utilize.

Thanks for coming around anyway
@khingstan Cares 🤴✌️

 3 years ago  
