in Hive Learnerslast month

I do not like to see myself as a workaholic, but I find myself working most of the time without stopping because I usually have a lot on my plate. I hate it when I leave work without finishing the things I'm supposed to do because I know I can be procrastinative if I should leave them like that. For this reason everyone feels I work too much, but deep down, I even wish I could sleep more. I find it difficult to sleep with work on my mind, and even when I manage to sleep, I end up dreaming about the job, and this time it becomes a nightmare. So in order to not get nightmares, I have to finish everything I want to do no matter how long it takes.

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Now with the kind of job I do, I sometimes have to come to the office on weekends and spend over 10 hours doing stuffs I couldn't do during weekdays. This is not the first time I'm working like this, and I don't think it will be the last. But if for any reason I am given an opportunity to work four days a week, even though it would mean I would have to sleep at the office those four days because it's too late to go home, I wouldn't mind at all seeing I have got three days of the week to myself. As a matter of fact I would always look forward to Friday which for me is usually the second longest day of the week after Wednesday.

I would still hate Mondays though because it only means I need to take a break only to resume again on Monday, but then the extra 24 hours I will have would give me the opportunity to pursue other things. I've always loved to go play basketball on weekends, but my Saturdays and Sundays are all I have, sometimes just Sundays which usually isn't enough. With an additional Friday, I would have one more day for a recreational activity and a lot of other things I haven't had time to do because of work. Hitting the gym is also something cool. I've always been anticipating to do so and maybe add up some little muscles and escape “thin” totally.

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With four days instead of the normal five days, I'm sure I wouldn't have to worry about looking old. I mean if four days are the official working days and I get a job good enough to pay my bills… Why am I now telling myself if wishes were horses 😩. Certainly they are not, and all these imaginations might never come true. But what are the chances that they will come true, that would definitely be a dream come true. Overall, I will take four days a week to work even if I would have to work the entire 24 hours in those days which I know won't be possible, but either way, four days it is.


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 last month  

Now with the kind of job I do, I sometimes have to come to the office on weekends and spend over 10 hours doing stuff I couldn't do during weekdays.

You can't do the job from home? I seriously hate working during the weekends, and the worst part is when employers try to sneak it into one of your working days, meanwhile the agreement you had with them clearly stated Monday to Friday. But if it's a situation where I voluntarily go to work during the weekend, then it's not a big deal

 last month  

I don't like it too, but it was what I signed up for