in Hive Learners10 days ago (edited)

I love to pride myself a lot about being able to control my anger to a very large extent, things hardly get under my skin so most of the things that people get angry about are things I don't even notice. But at a point I realized that I do get angry, the issue was that I hardly take note of things but once I notice an act I deem inappropriate, I tend to behave out of my normal behaviour. Even though I'm naturally quiet, I could easily go oddly mute especially when I want the person to know I'm not happy with what they did. I'm also one who doesn't know how to hold grudges for too long, so showing you how I feel is usually an option and I try to look for the best method I can think of to express myself.

Image by freepik

Although I know that only those who are close to me have the capability to upset me. If I don't know you, the chances of caring about whatever you do is almost 0%. And thus I don't have to worry about people annoying me with their attitudes. This doesn't mean I don't get frustrated at times by the actions of people, I don't just allow my frustration to linger to the point that I get angry. The truth is I hate getting angry, this is because in my life I've only shown anger three times @toryfestus can testify to that, and the last time gave my mother high blood pressure. I saw at that moment what my anger could cause and vowed never to let my anger control me again.

I remember vividly how much damage I caused that day when my mother called me and was wiping profusely begging me to come home but I told her to go to hell and I was old enough to do whatever I wanted to do with my life. I will talk about the details of that scenario in another post, so that leads me to another thing I really hate, not as much as I hate getting angry, so I like to categorize it as a dislike. I hate it when I or people I love have to suffer the consequences of someone else's actions. I've seen my mother go through this a lot of times and it hurts as much as I dislike it. In my mother's case, the whole family had to bear the consequences of my dad's actions and financial decisions, but my mother bore it the most to the point I began to hate my dad unconsciously. I don't hate him anymore though, but I have come to hate such an attitude from people.

Image by master1305 on Freepik

I hate it when people try to be smart. There's nothing that irritates me more than someone thinking so highly of themselves that they make it look like others are less intelligent. I hate it more when they try to take advantage of others or rub it on the faces of people that they know nothing about. This type of hate pushes me to learn, although at a point I found it unhealthy and useless that I had to go the extra mile just to prove myself, so I just avoid such people for my sanity's sake. These kinds of people are too toxic and hard to work with because they always want to lead instead of working in a team which is another thing I detest.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 9 days ago  

In Brazil we say that people "think they are" I don't know how that is equivalent in English. Those who have this type of attitude generally have a collection of known defects as they tend to think that only they are correct and capable of doing things.

 9 days ago  

This is so much bad, those set of people are really toxic to deal with

You told your mother to go to hell even after she was begging you? All in the name of anger?
Eyy African mothers have lost their powers already?😂


Anger is something that if not checked can get the most of you ruining your relationships, it's a good thing you try to control yourself when angry.

But I also feel you should let the people that upset you know what they have done instead of going mute.
