Rendang is MY FAVORITE FOOD | (Weekly Featured Contents) Week 03 Edition 03

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hello everyone

How are you guys today? I hope you are all well and always given success wherever you are. what food do you like? If you ask me, I will answer Rendang is my favorite food. So about my favorite food and why I like it, I will tell you about it in this edition.

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Tell me about rendang food then you will find the distinctive taste and culture that exists in Indonesia.

What is Rendang?

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Rendang is an oily dish with a combination of various types of spices cooked over low heat for a very long cooking duration. Rendang is an original dish from Indonesia. Rendang was first found in Padang, North Sumatra, Indonesia or more precisely in the Minangkabau area. Rendang cuisine is a global cuisine, many of the world's professional chefs and restaurants in the world cook this food to be served to restaurant guests. It is said that this rendang dish was a dish prepared for kings and tribal elders in the fields of North Sumatra. Rendang can last long enough for weeks at room temperature, so this food is very suitable for use in all conditions, whether it's normal conditions or in conditions of natural disasters because this food is hard to rot and stale.

Why Do I Like Rendang?

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Rendang is one of my favorite foods. I started liking rendang when I was little. at that time my mother cooked lunch for us. my mother cooks meat mixed with lots of spices. my mother cooked the meat so long that we all almost starved waiting for the meat to cook. but that's how to cook rendang to get the taste and characteristics of soft and delicious rendang meat. after cooked my mother served it on the dining table. But my expectations when I saw rendang were very strange because I have never seen food like this. When I ate and tasted this dish, my expectations immediately changed drastically. I was so amazed by the delicious taste of rendang that I told my mother to cook me rendang every day. That's where I started to like rendang and continue to like rendang until now.

Rendang Preparation Process

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-Ingredients needed to make Rendang

  1. Meat
  2. Old coconut
  3. Citrus leaves
  4. Cooking Oil
  5. Tamarind
  6. Lemongrass
  7. Cloves
  8. Pecan
  9. Galangal
  10. Red chili
  11. Garlic
  12. Shallots
  13. Rendang seasoning
  14. liquid coconut milk

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-Rendang cooking process

  1. The spices that have been provided are mashed until very smooth.

  2. Prepare a large skillet (adjust to the existing meat) to cook rendang.

  3. Put the pan on the stove and pour a little oil for frying

  4. Saute all the spices that have been mashed until fragrant. but you need to pay attention, don't let the sauteed spices burn because you are afraid that the taste of the rendang will be lost.

  5. When the sauteed spices are half cooked, add the lemongrass stalks, lime leaves, tamarind, salt to taste and mix well.

  6. After the spices are cooked, add the coconut milk. cook coconut milk until it boils, it is necessary to pay attention to the cooked coconut milk so that it does not boil too much until the coconut milk breaks and burns. After the coconut milk boils, put the meat in the pan.

  7. Cook over low heat for a few hours (maximum time to cook rendang is approximately 5 hours) until the meat is tender and the color of the spices is browned according to taste.

  8. Once cooked, the rendang can be served with various additional side dishes such as boiled potatoes, bread, and white rice according to taste.

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Maybe that's enough of my story this time, on the edition of My Favorite Food. I hope my story is interesting for readers. I apologize if there are words that cannot be understood, the greatest respect from me as a writer. Regards @kingpost99


Food Name: Rendang
Another Name: Rendang Padang
Place of Origin: Indonesia
Region: West Sumatra
Made by: Minangkabau People
Serving: Main Menu
 2 years ago  

Such a lovely choice of food, thanks for taking us through the process of how it been prepared.

 2 years ago  

Yes, my brother, where I come from, there are lots of delicious foods made from a mixture of various spices. However, rendang is my favorite dish and rendang is well known throughout the world. thanks for reading my writing.

 2 years ago  

Jengkol rendang is also very tempting, most people in my area like it.

 2 years ago  

yes my brother, rendang can be combined with various additional ingredients. not only meat, but all ingredients can also be used even from fruit. including jengkol.

It looks very red and very delicious.
Just by virtue of the fact that it has a lot of meat in it, I am very sure I would love it very much.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

You are welcome, my brother. you may one day have to enjoy eating this rendang, at our place in Indonesia this food can even be found in every stall with the name Padang, even all Indonesian people really like this food. Thank you also for stopping by my blog, and reading my writing.