The importance of physical appearance in modern day work Era

in Hive Learners29 days ago


In the years I worked as an employee, I had the privilege many times to conduct interviews for prospective candidates. Although I don't often buy the idea of focusing solely on the compulsory aspect of dressing or physical appearance when rating prospects, I was inevitably influenced by it. Perhaps it's due to the way the modern culture has influenced us. I tried to do away with rating the interviewers with their dressings but I couldn't just do that because some of them appeared like it's a joke for the interview, I topped up their overall impression with their looks/appearances.

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Beyond clothing, which many people wear or even borrow for interviews to create a good impression, a good interviewer should be able to discern the authenticity of the candidate through their main appearance, such as hairstyle, rings on earlobes for men, and other noticeable physical lifestyle choices in both males and females.

Aside this, the stage of the world currently welcomes the appearance first before any other thing due 'packaging'. The first instance impression has a long way to go in winning the minds of people before checking the capability of such employee.

Why can't we overlook appearance and focus solely on the skills of the prospect?

The phrase "you're addressed by the way you dress" holds true, no matter how people today try to counter it and emphasize that the inner person is the real person. Someone's dressing provides a quick glimpse into their lifestyle. In very sensitive positions that demand a corporate look, employing someone with a drastically different appearance can create a negative impression, even if the staff member is competent. Consider the following examples:

If a secondary school employs a guy who dislikes wearing corporate or simple attire because he is very good in his field, imagine taking your child to such school and encountering someone dressed like Portable (a Nigerian musician) with rainbow-colored hair, wearing oversized baggy jeans like those of Kanye West, and sagging.

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No matter how good the staff member is, your impression of the school would likely be negative.

What if you went to a bank and saw one of the cashiers dressed in the latest fashion of baggy jeans, with many 'bling bling' necklaces, and wearing large headphones like a DJ? At that moment, the only thing that might come to your mind is that your money is not safe, and you would likely consider changing banks.

Certain companies and positions require smart dress codes. Employing someone who is intellectually fit for the position but off in terms of dressing can be detrimental.

The world we live in, especially in this era, is very much about first impressions. Appearance often serves as the initial magnet for customers, making dressing and physical appearance a significant factor in employment.

Moreover, do you know that some companies avoid hiring 'ugly' women for certain positions? This demonstrates how serious the labor market is currently with it comes to dressing and physical appearance. Attractive outer looks often take precedence before considering the individual's internal qualities.

Yeah, you can't beat that, it's our current stage in this world.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to the Week 115, Edition 02 of the Weekly Featured contest in Hive Learners Community

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 29 days ago  

First impression is the last impression. It is right dressing values so much. When you are a singer and you went to a concert wearing a dress pent with collar shirt they will obviously think he is not a singer he is a manager or something offic boy. Thanks for sharing your beautiful point of viewm

 29 days ago  

dress pent with collar shirt they will obviously think he is not a singer he is a manager or something office boy

This example said it all.
Every outfit has where they're fit in.

Thank you bro

A banker that wear baggy jeans has made up his minds to chase customers away, any customer who saw him with his dressing would withdrew his money out of the bank.

 29 days ago  

That's it.
It's trouble 😅

Thank you bro

I totally agree with you on this. Your illustrations are on point.

This is the era that we are in o, nothing is gonna change

 29 days ago  

Yeah, this era is just packaging.
If you don't go with it, you loose it.

Thank you for stopping by

You're welcome

 29 days ago  

The way you are addressed is solely attributed to the way you are dressed. People shouldn’t overlook physical appearance.

 29 days ago  

Yeah, what we see at a glance has a lot to say about the person.
Thank you for stopping by

 29 days ago  

It's true that first impressions can make or break a deal, so a well-tailored suit or a killer hairstyle could speak volumes before you even say a word during interviews.

 29 days ago  

That's the magic.
Thanks Teeeeee!