The phone engineer that felt like a god

in Hive Learners23 days ago


This prompt of this week made me to remember when I almost arrested and sued a phone repairer...

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My power bank got spoiled, so I took it to a phone engineer close to my street. He worked on it for two days but couldn't fix the issue. This was surprising to me because it was a fault with the charging port, which an average phone engineer can fix without much stress. I didn't say anything; I just collected it and went to one of the top phone engineers in the city. The place was a bit far from my house, and I had to pay for transportation to get there, which I didn't like because it meant each time I had to go there, I would need to pay for transportation.

I gave the power bank to the engineer, and he assured me he would fix it within three days. I said okay, told him I would call on the third day, and left.

Three days later, I called him. He picked up and kept asking who I was and which power bank I was talking about. I didn't react because he hadn't saved my number. So, I calmly explained who I was and about the power bank I had given him to repair.

"Ohhhh, okay! I haven't worked on it yet. Please give me until tomorrow," he pleaded. I agreed to call him again the next day.

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The next day, I called him. He picked up and told me that the power bank was severely damaged, and he couldn't fix it. I sighed and told him to keep it safe, and I would either come to pick it up or send someone. He agreed.

Two days later, I happened to be in the area while delivering work to a client. I stopped by and asked him about my power bank. He, quite busy, said he couldn't look for it at that moment and that I should check back later. I explained that I don't come out often because my house is far, but he didn't listen and gave me a deaf ear.

I calmed down and left that day.

The following day, I called a church member, my friend who lived close to the shop to help me retrieve the power bank. My friend went and came back, reporting that the phone engineer was talking annoyingly, saying things like, "How much is the power bank that they want to disturb the hell out of his life?" Upon hearing that, I got so angry. I called the phone engineer, but he refused to pick up and kept busying the call.

The next day, I paid for transport to the place, met him, and demanded my power bank. Despite the tone of my voice, he was unmoved. He ordered me to come back the next day because he hadn't searched for it. Did you read that well? He 'ordered' me instead of begging.

After I shouted at the top of my voice and threatened him with police action and court, I left. All this while, the guy didn't mutter a word; he wasn't moved by my threats.

When I got home that day, I began to make plans on how to go about arresting him to teach him a lesson. I checked the money in my account; it wasn't enough, so I paused and decided to think it through before making any move.

Although I was ready to spend every penny I had to teach the guy a lesson because I felt pained, cheated, and insulted, I decided to sleep on it. When I woke up, my mind agreed to give the guy a chance to sort it out. Maybe my shouts and threats would touch him.

The next day, I was doing laundry when I got a text. It was him, informing me to come and take the power bank because he had found it.

That settled the whole issue, and I'm glad I allowed my heart to lead instead of giving in to my boiling anger.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to the Week 115, Edition 03 of the Weekly Featured contest in Hive Learners Community

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Thank God you slept over it. Imagine getting the police to his place and he has your power bank with him already...
It's good to be patient.

The way these small business owners with no respect for anyone get to paint other small business owners black is appalling.

 22 days ago  

Imagine getting the police to his place and he has your power bank with him already...

Imagine this 😅😅

And then, my money would go on waste.

It's good we don't make decisions out of anger.

Thank you for stopping by