Prominent Authors Of Hive Learners [Week 19]

in Hive Learnerslast month

Good day everyone! This is going to be 19th week of the Hive Learners Prominent Author Of The Week campaign.

So What is The Prominent Author of The Week About?

The aim of the Prominent Author of the Week is to reward five great contents of authors shared from our weekly prompts in the community. This way, we get to encourage authors to be more active and try to be the best they can be in their content creation.


How Would The Initiative Run?

  • 5 Posts/Authors would be selected from the weekly prompts (including creative sunday posts) every week
  • Every Thursday night, we would be sharing announcements for the five winning authors
  • All five selected authors would be rewarded with 1 Hive each


Lost in Screens

This author, @olujay talks about family time and how having your mobile phone with you could affect a time that should be used for interaction and bonding. The author talks about how it actually has become a bad habit for people these days, due to how addicted everyone is to their mobile phones.


God I don't like buttermilk

This author talks about how he would react if his kids ended up going against his teachings and wanting to do things their own way, letting us know that at the end, he's always going to love and support them.


It's All Good As Long As

This author, @shawnnft also talks about what his reaction would be if his kids grow up and decide to want to make a path different from the one he had taught them, and according to the author, other from some few exceptions like bullying, drugs etc, he would offer his kids his full support.


Cutlass Potato Kabab

This author, @itwithsm shows us how to make the Cutlass Potato Kabab, a recipe the author claims to be very easy to make and doesn't require much procedure or steps.


Grab a Fork and twirl with Saucy Pasta!

This author, @preeti also takes us to her kitchen to show us the amazing recipe she had made, a meal she calls white sauce pasta. The author made sure to include lots of pictures while explaining, to make it a lot easier for everyone to understand each and every step.


Here are the five highlighted posts of winning authors:-

Congratulations to all of the winners and the reward would be distributed soon.


Thank You

 last month  

thank you . I managed to make it here TT congratz to everybody <3

 last month  

Almost missed this post. I didn't get a tag in it ;) Thanks for mentioning me though and good job to all the other great writers

 last month  

Congratulations to the best pick authors of the week

 last month  

Congratulations to the winning authors

 last month  

Congratulations to the winners! There's only one amazing author in the community!

 last month  

Wow, i got picked, Congratulations to the other mates who got picked.

 last month  

Congratulations guys ☺️☺️☺️

 last month  

Congratulations to the winners
Keep up the great job guys

Thankyou😊 and congratulations to the other✌