Home-cooked meal is my preference.

in Hive Learners17 days ago


Cooking is a basic skill that my mother instilled in me as a child. I am the third born of five children. The first was a girl who grew up under the custody of my maternal grandmother.

I grew up to meet my elder brother doing house chores including cooking. As young as twelve years old, he was already cooking food for the whole family. I learned the process from him more than I did from my mother.

There is an important policy of my parents that I would like to mention; the policy of not eating fast food under any condition. I could remember a day that my dad, my brother and I returned from the farm very late and there was no time for us to cook again. Instead of opting for fast food, we went for bread and tea. According to my father, he didn't want to introduce us into the habit of buying cooked food.

This basic skill helped me very well when I began to stay on my own.

When I was in university, I made sure that I cooked what I ate. It helped me in the sense that it saved me more cost of feeding myself.

Whenever there was a holiday and I went home to observe it, I always returned with loads of foodstuffs. I would travel with half a bag of garri, many tubers of yam, red oil and even soup ingredients. Some students would be mocking me in the hostel, asking me if I was bringing food to feed a community. I would just laugh it off. I didn't allow their mocking to get at me. Ironically, some of them would come to me later to beg for garri and other things. Throughout my stay in the university, I enjoyed cooking my meals.

There was a little adjustment after I started working. My first place of work consumed my time daily to the extent that I hardly arrived home not tired. I tried as much as I could to prepare my meals but my busy nature couldn't allow me to do that absolutely. If I was too tired to cook, I would just go to a restaurant to eat.

One thing that I prioritized is cooking my meals myself. It continued like that till I got married and my wife took over the kitchen department. She is a good cook who loves eating healthy. She takes her time to cook for us and we never had reason to order for cooked meals elsewhere.

The only time that I ordered food since we got married was when she gave birth to our son. My mother in-law was with her in the hospital and I was the one running errands up and down. There was no time for anyone to consider cooking. I had to order food for my mother-in-law and I. My wife hadn't recovered to the extent of eating food that time. Since then, we cook what we eat.

Presently, I don't forbid fast food but I make it the last option especially when the schedule of my family is tight. My wife doesn't like fast food either. Her reason aligned with mine. When you cook what you eat, you are not in doubt of what you are eating. This is in addition to saving costs and setting a good precedent for the kids.

In the last two days, I have been on transit. I have no option than to patronize fast food. On special occasions like this, I patronize fast food.

However, I cherish home cooked meals.


First thing first, I love how your mother was able train her male children in the kitchen, it is very rare to see such.

However, I cherish home cooked meals.

You can say that again, home made meals are the best.

 11 days ago  

Thank you for the kind comment. I am transferring the lesson I got from my mum to my child now.

 17 days ago  

Its good that you learnt how to cook. I have a student here currently disposing his foodstuff gotten from home because of a poor upbringing he can barely cook for himself. Home made meals are really healthy.

 17 days ago  

Wow... After disposing his foodstuff, he would go out to purchase cooked food. That's a huge disability.

 17 days ago  

The aspect of feeding the community got me rolling on the floor. Students can be so crazy 😂. And at the end they will come and beg for that community feed. 😂.

I also appreciate home made meals too.

 16 days ago  

Don't mind them. Those experiences are fondly anyway. Home made meals can't be rivaled.

Bringing food for the whole community lol 😆 and they will still come and beg for it. Funny people,

Home-made meals are bae, unless when time and chances do not permit me shall, and don't worry you won't be on transit for long okay.

 17 days ago  

Don't mind them. You will now be hearing words like, "Thank God we have you to run to anytime". Lol

Hahaha, Princess can relate 😊

 16 days ago  


 16 days ago  

That's it ooo...

 17 days ago  

I also love cooking and it seems that the food we make tastes better. Thanks for sharing I liked your post

 16 days ago  

I agree with that. The food we make taste better especially having the full knowledge of what you are eating.

 17 days ago  

Yes, you won't have to doubt a meal cooked by you. I make fast food the last option and sometimes when I am too tired to cook, I either take garri with groundnut or cornflakes, this is why I don't lack any of these at home. Both appetisers saves me many times on days I am too stressed.

 16 days ago  

You remind me now... It's belong I took garri. Make I buy fried fish when returning home. Thank you for stopping by.

 16 days ago  

Hahaha 😆 perfect combo 👌 🤣

I always appreciate men who can cook their own meal, and yes, home cooked meal is the best for me too, though sometimes I also give myself a treat with some fast food, of course when I have the money, home cooked meal is more economic.
I can imagine you in the hostel then lol

 16 days ago  

Yeah. Once in a while, it's good to explore and try some fastfood. Home made meal should be the regular one.

 16 days ago  

Very impressive that you know cooking. I am also good in cooking but I mostly like fast food. You know I can make fast food at home. According to my taste and spices. Haha keep it upm

 16 days ago  

That's lovely... You got a nice skill in making how to cook fastfood.

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 16 days ago  

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