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RE: A Vision for Change: Enforcing Policies for Sustainable Population Growth in Nigeria

in Hive Learnerslast month

@nkemakonam89. Whatever you see in Lagos, I can assure you that you've not seen anything compared to what we are battling with in the northern part of Nigeria. Here, it is a belief that it is wrong and sinful to intentionally stop the coming of a child to this world. It's a weird belief. I am an advocate of government intervention. It may be difficult to force couples to embrace birth control in the North but every parent can be held responsible for the well-being of their children. When they are being punished for negligence, no one would tell them to stop giving birth before they stop.

 last month  

I think I can relate to what you are saying because many times, they are deporting young ladies from north to Lagos to serve as maids to strangers. I have seen these alot and sensed that it could be these parents birthing many children..if not, why should I release my child to go live with a stranger in another state ?

 last month  

Yes... That happens a lot. The children that are supposed to be in school would be left to work in a strange land not just to cater for themselves, but send proceeds back home. A very difficult situation.