The First Downvote On HIVE: A mixed feeling between frustration, anger shame and the new lesson learned

in Hive Learners9 months ago

Hello everyone, I'm Lory and I landed on HIVE two months ago but my real adventure on HIVE started only in September (posting, commenting, reblogging), so I still consider myself a beginner, and from this post, you'll understand that I still have a lot to learn.

Whether you're a beginner or a veteran, you surely know that HIVE is a platform that allows users to publish articles, images, videos, and more, being rewarded based on their engagement with the HIVE cryptocurrency on a decentralized blockchain.

My first experience with the platform wasn't easy but interesting. I read posts, I wrote, I got a little informed, I got upvote and even the DOWNVOTE that is the main topic o this post.

To begin with, I want to say that I had a wrong opinion about downvoters... I used to think they were just some people having fun with downvoting... well, I've learned that it's not the case, and downvoting actually holds significant importance.

And here we go, my turn to experience an downvote...

Several days had passed since my last post, and I thought I should find an interesting topic to write something... What a mistaken idea🙈

Google-> News -> read 4-5 articles on the same subject.... and there I had what to write.
Translate a sentence from one article, a sentence from another - rephrase the sentences, translate them again, and my article was nearly written.

Is midnight - quickly, quickly I published and went to bed.
One day passed, then the second day, a whole week, and my article seemed fine... Upvote.

After 10 days, I wake up with a comment... From @hivewatchers 😲 friends
@hivewatchers downvoted one of my recently post and comment to my wrong post inviting me to join Discord for any information.

Plagiarism, fraud, blacklist - these words are the only ones that i remember from that comment 🤯🤯

The first thought *:"Well done Lory, congrats for your mistake" *
Controlled the post using various tools, and yes... surpriseeeee....... plagiarism." 😬
In my own mind, I'm saying," Okay, you messed up. Now, one of the big players here on HIVE, will either punishing you."

After that, how I use Ecency app, I ask advice on Ecency Discord, and they invite me to talk with @hivewatchers on their discord to resolve the issue otherwise I can expect all future posts to receive downvotes and my account to be blacklisted.

What? All posts? Really blacklisted? 😳
Well to be honest I was scare a little, the "FRAUD" was singing on my head 🎶🎶🎶
That hivewatchers can be that strict? Is a person or some kind of bot?🤔

To my surprise, it's not a bot. On the contrary, it's an available person. I'll post our conversation below

I'd say that you are a nice person😉, it was nice to meet you @hivewatchers but I will NOT miss you, if you will not visit me again📖
I guess the first admitted mistake is halfway forgiven🤔, but I'm also sure that only the first one gets this treatment.

This time, I was lucky; my account is not blacklisted, but I discovered the feeling of shame, and I learned more about the HIVE platform.

In conclusion i will finish this post with a small advice to beginners like me:
-don't rush to post just to fill a page
-thoroughly check before publishing
-get informed about the platform's rules and community guidelines
-take a downvote seriously because it can become a problem for you

So friends, this was my experience with downvote and hivewatcher. An experience full of bad feelings but a lesson that i will never forget.
I'm an open mind so feel free to leave me any kind of criticism or advise as much as you feel



Oh boy.... Hope that you will never have this kind of experience🙈

 9 months ago  

Reviewed and Approved for an Ecency boost. Keep up the good work.

Wave Media

Thank you

 9 months ago  

You're welcome

Welcome to Hive , it is some place!

It's all a journey. This was very insightful. I appreciate your openness and honesty. You've shared your feelings and thoughts for the benefit of everyone else who will come after you.

I'm glad you turned the 'lemons' of this experience into lemonade. This was a nice read. I'm pleased to hear that you are using it to move forward. It may feel bad now, but I'm sure it will be an even better story in a year.

Yeah, it was a good lesson but always open mind and good vibes🤞

This is so beautiful. I admire your courage in the entire process, also in you writing about the process. It shows you are willing to learn and make any changes necessary to grow. Well done, this is a wonderful community where you are heard and supported. Cheers to more successes.

Thank you so much... To be honest i learn my lesson and step by step i Will discover this interesting street 🤗

Ouch, unfortunately... @hivewatcher / @hivewatchers has been ruining the new-member experiences since Steemit days.

This is I am always warning about community censorship on HIVE. 😕

Yeah you are so right and I remember the workshop that you made for us but... in that day i made this huge mistake and i even didn't understood that is really wrong since i didn't get this downvote
Anyway with the help of hiwatchers i understand 🙂 and i learned from my own mistake.... Lol but i was scare at beggining😂


Stealing someone's content to monetize it by pretending to be the author (either for monetary or social reward) aka content theft aka plagiarism is not welcome anywhere.
I am not sure why you would think that you would easily pass it on Hive?


Could you please provide the evidence of these "good-willing" users who did not intend to exploit Hive's reward pool with abuse but were chased away by us?

I am also awaiting a reply to your accusations here:

Screenshot 2023-10-28 at 11.49.57.png

It has not been responded to yet so I am starting to consider that it is just another trolling activity with the intention to accuse by misleading information.

Or possibly it is an intention to divert own failure in taking responsibility and accountability in failing to teach onboarded user not to abuse, by accusing Hivewatchers of processing community report for fraud discovered in content by the user that you onboarded?

Hello, I don't know why we keep discussing this. I think I explained my mistake quite clearly, it was not my intention to steal a particular author's article to gain something. I'm still learning all about hive and I welcomed your downvote.. Sorry if you misunderstood my post
And how i Said first... My plagiarized article was built from 4 or 5 articles that I read on Google... That article on binance feed is something new for me
Now, for sure I'm not here to justify my error and I never thought that I would pass easily because at that moment I didn't understood that I am doing wrong ....I make a mistake(how we can do in anything that is new for us in normal life) and it's ok to pay for it...But that doesn't mean I'm a huntur of articles written by other authors


In real life, in a professional writer's environment, this type of plagiarism would possibly face legal consequences.

If you finished university, you are well aware that this type of plagiarism when writing any type of article/essay would equal to suspension from the university and possible legal consequences.

I am still not sure why you would think that it would pass on Hive. Your post with the apology seemed honest but it also came out a bit like none of this should be taken seriously because it is just Hive, not real life.

1.Certainly when I was at university I didn't know what a plagiarism was - they didn't teach me that, sorry, it's probably pass to much time or my country is not so strict And English is not my Best

2.You still ask why i would think that it would pass on hive..... Godddd....I even didnt know that i wrote an article exactly like an other ppl and i explain many times.... I read many articles for my topic, I took phrases, translated them, modified them and finally wrote an article but did not copy-paste

  1. I never saw first that article that you show me for plagism from binance feed so even you are not perfect... How i saw you are not a bot, and you were wrong showing me that post.... It is plagism but if you insist so much you should search better where i took my idea

Look i am a very nice person, i even though that you can be a normal and nice person and you had my respect for your work but hell.... I dont care what others think about my new post, even becouse i do it for my own not becouse you could ask me such a thing... I wrote the most original/unik article in my life without saying something bad about you, and you doubt but is fine... I really dont care what you think or not... But i write In an nice and funny way how is my nature and i Will never change this for you or hive or any other platform

The plagiarism was not intentional, the only mistake was not to check this with some tools.... But stop making me a fault in this... talking to me like the every single article here is 100% unique becouse is not true

Now you can even do what you want blacklist, ban or any other things that you are able to do but let me tell you.... A new member here will surely make 1 small or big mistake here in HIVE and pay for it(and i pay it yet) .... But this treatment is not genuine for a growing community...
And hive is always hive and will never be 100% real life

I never saw first that article that you show me for plagism from binance feed so even you are not perfect... How i saw you are not a bot, and you were wrong showing me that post.... It is plagism but if you insist so much you should search better where i took my idea

Because one of the articles that you plagiarised was also plagiarised by someone else (there are many sources of it), does not mean that you did not commit plagiarism.
It is irrelevant which sources we found to prove the plagiarism in your post.

The plagiarism was not intentional, the only mistake was not to check this with some tools.... But stop making me a fault in this... talking to me like the every single article here is 100% unique becouse is not true

I am not sure why you would think that your plagiarism should pass if it was not detected by some useless plagiarism tools.
If you committed no plagiarism, there would be no reason to check anything as it would obviously be original writing.

Now you can even do what you want blacklist, ban or any other things that you are able to do but let me tell you.... A new member here will surely make 1 small or big mistake here in HIVE and pay for it(and i pay it yet) .... But this treatment is not genuine for a growing community...
And hive is always hive and will never be 100% real life

You were not blacklisted as I already explained. If the fraud continues, the account may be blacklisted.
It is better that you learned about this type of cheating/deceiving of readers here on Hive than when it's too late in real life.

In the end, you face no real-life consequences for actions committed on Hive.

And for your news my post was not for apology becouse the apology you got on discord and nothing else... Was only to narrate one of my experience here on HIVE

A hard way to learn, but you have taken it with the right attitude ... welcome aboard and I hope you have smooth sailing from here!

Yes, you are so right but it is a good thing when I do mistake to pay for it... so I can then start with my head held high on this exciting road... I can only say that this downvote make me grow up a little📖

Lesson learned and better to come going forward.

I'm not a fan of hivewatchers as i think they act too quickly and move to harshly but at least you took the advice onboard and will try to do better going forward.

A great attitude that will stand to you going forward.

Lol, me to I'm not really a fan of they, Hope that i Will not see they again 😂😂But i took all in a positive way for me...The mistake make us grow up
Who knows? Maybe some others newbie like me, will take some good from my experience

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 9 months ago  Reveal Comment