in Hive Learnerslast year


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Have you ever been told that readers are leaders ?. I remember in my primary school days , in one of the staff offices, it was boldly written on the wall, "readers are leaders".

I liked how it rhymed and because of that, it sunk into my mind. Up till date, whenever I hear anyone talk about readers or reading, I immediately remember the phrase "readers are leaders" and it has influenced my thoughts about readers.

Whenever I now try to advise anyone to read, the first thing I tell them is that they need to read because readers are leaders.

Although I always encourage people to read, I am not an avid reader myself plus the cost of books is really high too.

Just recently, I downloaded an app in my phone and in the app are thousands of E-books. I started reading again and little by little my zeal for reading gradually began to grow.

I have a few hardcopy books but these E-books have become my favourites and these are the reasons why I prefer the E-books to hardcopy books.

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E-books unlike hardcopy books can be put in our cellphones and hence they're easy to carry about. You can have thousands of books in your phone and you're saved the stress of thinking about how to carry your books around.


E-books allows you read whenever and wherever you want to ; sometimes when you're away from home and away from your library or you're even in transit, you may feel like reading a books and having an E-book in your cellphone affords you the opportunity to read there and then.

E-books can also be read anytime whether day or night, with or without light, unlike our hardcopy books that can not be seen in darkness. E-books in our cellphones can read when as often as our phones or devices are on.

Because of the facts that our E-books are installed in our phones, we can use them concurrently with the dictionaries in our phones and this helps us have a better experience.

I also prefer E-books because it's easier to jot down things and take notes with it. You can also take screenshots of your favorite chapters and quotes with your phones while reading the E-book, you do not need an extra note or a pen do jot down anything.

E-books are cheaper : E-books are sold for way cheaper prices than hardcopy books because there is no added printing fee.

E-books are also easier to find : Often times getting a book from a bookstore can be a really difficult task. It's either they don't have the books, they book has gone out of stock or something else but these issues rarely occur when it comes to E-books. To find an E-book, all you need to do is search the internet and in few seconds you would find several stores ready to sell the books.

No doubts Hardcopy books are good, but considering how advantageous these E-books are compared to the hardcopy books, they have now become my favourites and I patronize them more than the hardcopy books.
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This is just an opinion, a subjective one at that so I would love to know what works for you , E-books or hardcopy, do well to share your opinions with me .


Thanks for stopping by. Love you all